25. Don't Run Away

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I gasped and sat up suddenly. The room was dark and I felt that I was being stifled by the hot air around me. I glanced at the clock. 3am. I groaned and let my body fall back down onto the sofa cushions. On instinct I reached out to find Harry, but my arm hit the cushions of Grace's sofa with a soft thud. I wanted to feel Harry's arms hold me in comfort. He would pull me into him and hold me until I fell asleep. The nightmares I had experienced before having Kayla often kept me up at night, but recently my sleep wasn't disrupted by the feeling of running away, panting and shaking as my weak legs carried me away from a shadowy figure. That was until tonight. I felt the sensation all over again, but this time I woke up alone without Harry there to hug me. I snatched my phone from the coffee table and my first thought was to call Harry, but I couldn't build up the courage to do so. The anger had subsided and now I was hurt. I knew speaking to him would only make the situation worse. So instead I called Luke.

"Hello?" he asked groggily.

"I'm sorry it's late, Luke, but I just...I need to talk to someone."

I heard him shift around on the other end of the line. He stifled a yawn. "Sure, about what?"

"My dreams," I blurted out. "My...nightmares."

"I'll be there as soon as I can," he stated.

"Luke, you don't have to-"

"I do. Give me five minutes. I'm almost out the door now."

I suddenly remembered. "I'm not home."

He paused for a moment. "Where are you? Are you safe?"

I bit my lip. "Yes, I'm at Grace's. I have been since the...time at your place."

"Ah, okay. Well expect me soon, alright?"

My smile widened. "Thank you."

"Anytime," he said before the line went dead. I jumped up from the sofa and silently threw on my dressing gown, checking up on Kayla lying contently in her cot, her snoring soft and quiet. I kissed her head before sneaking out of the front door and waiting for Luke on a nearby bench. I was grateful of the company and one that reminded me of Harry. Luke very much resembled Harry by the way he spoke and his many mannerisms similar to his half-brother. It was the closest I could get to my husband without actually being with him.

Luke ran down the pavement towards me looking worried and stressed. I stood up and finally he saw me in the dim lighting of the streetlamps around us. He stopped in front of me and his hands fell to my arms. He was panting heavily. "Are...you...okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "Can we sit?"

He glanced down at the bench before nodding. We sat together staring out at the block of silent houses and the small patch of grass in the middle just big enough for children to hold a small football match on there in front of us. Despite it being so late at night, the air was warm and comforting.

"Thank you," I murmured. I glanced at Luke. "It was nice of you to come."

He gave me a lazy smile and rested his elbow on the top of the bench between us. "You sounded upset on the phone."

I gave a small sigh and stared down at my lap. "It's going to sound stupid."

I felt a light knock to my arm as Luke elbowed me. "Hey, nothing you say will be stupid."

We exchanged a glance and for a moment I saw Harry grinning and messing around with me like he did years ago. We hadn't aged physically since the day we met, but I felt older now. We got married and had a child. Our responsibilities grew, but I felt as though I was the only one who did any growing up. Harry was still young in his mind. I just didn't realise it.

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