Constantine Kingsley

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Name: Constantine Prescott Leopold Kingsley 

Nicknames: Connie, mostly.

Birth date: August 8th, 1992

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Place of Birth: Amsterdam

Parents: ( Mother/Deceased/Banshee); Anastasia Janice Hansen 

( Father/Deceased/Human ); Vincent Kingsley

Siblings *Oldest to Youngest: ( Half-Brother ); Benjamin-John Alastair Harrison Parker 

 ( Half-Sister ); Vivienne Cordelia Whitman 

( Half-Sister ); Madeline Elizabeth Grace Laurent 

( Half-Sister ); Lillian Whitney Avanna Chase 

( Half-Brother );  Malachi Phillip Florian George

( Half-Sister ); Jeanette Yolanda Lynn Johnson

( Half-Brother ); Alexander Henry Johnson

( Half-Sister ); Berniece Katherine Quincy 

Ethnic Background: 60% European, 40% Sithiche

Species: Banshee or Faerie/Human Hybrid

Gender: Male

Height: 6ft 2in

Weight: 176 lbs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown ( Black or red when in incorporeal form )

Build: He is hench ; rather strong and fit with okay developed muscles. Very statuesque and willowy thanks to his height and balance.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Style: Elegance is his goal but over the top is what you get, he keeps it practical at times with some casual everyday wear but sometimes he does a bit much. He has a knack for flower crowns and crowns in general. Tight, form fitting clothing is his go to as well. Whatever he finds himself comfortable in.

Personality: Though he always composes himself in a nonchalant, confident and serene way, his mannerisms are decidedly theatrical and compound his own natural affinity for the performative. He is witty and quick to insult, prod or ridicule, but he can understand the depth and severity of issues. He can also be quite the hedonist, enjoying alcohol, parties, drama and mischief - in which his abilities always assist with.

Phobias/Fears: Achluophobia - Fear of darkness. | Musophobia or Muriphobia- Fear of mice. | Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others. 

Alignment: Chaotic 

Vulnerabilities: Iron: May be able to be harmed/caged by cold-forged iron.

Salt: In his incorporeal form, salt repels the banshee, as it is considered to be pure and anathema to the denizens of the spirit world.

Abilities: Sonic Scream: The ability to unleash screams of an inhuman amplitude, capable of shattering glass, cracking rock and causing blood vessels to burst. Can also guide his voice as a bullet with his hands and send people flying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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