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Zoey!Zonnique screamed.What Zoey said.I need some more Zonnique said nagging.No I cant give you no more people think im the one making you go crazy Zonnique and you the only one whose doing it to yourself and I cant deal with the coke and herion all day everyday Zooey screamed.Wtf do you mean you always saying some slick dumb as shit Nique screamed as going in his pockets.No Zonnique no Zoey screamed as pushing Nique on the ground.Who tf you think you are Nique said as standing back up.Zonnique you smoking round your fucking daughters and you doing your fucking family wrong you knew how bad you mother wanted a 3rd grandchild and you killed it Zoey said.Mommy zonneibiea said as running in.Get your ass back in the house Nique screamed as slapping her.Wtf is wrong with you Zoey said as picking up her.

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Group memeber of Officially Miss Guided on drugs,Fiance claims she wont.take the response of mental rehabilitation and he cant do anymore.He's taking the girls and moving out of town.Zonnique pullins 27,has

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