The Past

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Drift barely had time to change and hang up her wet clothes when she heard the creaking of wagon wheels. She hurried outside to help Summer unload. There was a bag of salt, along with sacks of grains and bolts of cloth to stow away. They worked quickly, eager to get everything in from the rain, while Bellis stomped and snorted in her harness. "I'll bring her to the barn and get her settled," Drift offered. "You've had a long trip." She did not mention her own adventures.

When she returned to the cottage, she found Summer had gotten a fire going in the hearth and was sitting in front of it, blowing on a steaming mug. She gestured for Drift to sit beside her. "I made a pot of lavender tea," she said. "Pour yourself a cup, my dear. You look damp."

"I was worried about you," Drift said as she joined Summer by the fire.

Summer gave her a curious look. "Did something happen?"

Drift frowned. "There must be a lot of them."



Summer nodded. "Quite a few, yes."

"Did you see any?"

Summer shook her head.

"How about apprentices?"

"None," Summer said. "Why?"

"I don't know. They take bird forms to travel, right?"

Summer's gesture was noncommittal, somewhere between a nod and a shrug.

"Do you know how to shift into a bird?" Drift asked.

Summer sighed and set her mug down. "Why do you ask?"

"Can you teach me to turn into a hawk?"

"Spirits! Please put that thought out of your head."

"You concealed the chapter on—"

"Look, if you must know, you'd have to specify the kind of hawk, which would need to be one you'd studied in great detail, and then you'd have to perform the shift. However, shiftings are difficult and dangerous. Speaking of dangerous, what happened to you? Did you bump into something?"

"I slipped and fell," Drift said, touching the lump on her forehead. "Oh, and I, um, was also wondering if sorcerers know how to do faster healings than you do."

Summer looked puzzled.

"Like, let's say an animal is dying," Drift continued, "can they make it all better just by putting their hands on it?"

"An instant healing? No. Not sorcerers. There have only been a few Fena and even fewer queens with the ability to do that. The practice is dangerous. It involves the gifting of some of your own life force." Summer's eyes narrowed. "It's a strange question. Why do you ask?"

"You never talk about advanced spells. I'd like to learn them."

"Soon I'll teach you how to speak with me from a distance. Beyond that, I don't have any plans. Is your head all right?"

"Speak from a distance? How?"

"Not today, my dear. Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'll be fine," Drift said, "but my walk tired me. I think I'll go to bed early."

"Where did you go?"

"Not far."

"Then why did it tire you?" When Drift did not reply, Summer added, "You never go to bed early. Would you like me to take a look at you?"

Drift: River of Falcons Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin