The Club Leader!

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(And that picture seems to represent me the most but at one point I may end up drawing my OCs so they COMPLETELY match the appearance—)

Full name: Teddy Pattison

Main alias/nickname: Ted

Other nicknames: Teddy Bear, Ted Bear, Mama Bear

Age: 15-18

Gender: Non-binary

Sexuality: Panromantic asexual

Appearance: Medium-length reddish brown hair (like the picture, but I don't have a fringe so—), chestnut-brown eyes, lightly-tanned skin, sHORT AS FU—

Clothing style: For shirts, either singlets, flannels or long-sleeved shirts. For pants, either sweatpants or loose jeans (I HATE TIGHT JEANS). For shoes, usually either canvas shoes or heeled boots. May usually have something tied around their waist—

Personality: Usually Teddy gives off a bubbly, kind and hella friendly personality. This is their true personality as they love having friends and giving them a lot of love, hence why they are so generous. They also tend to joke around a lot, especially with close friends, and are basically an extroverted introvert. Though sometimes when life gets down on them they can become very self-critical and depressing, and their anxiety will cause them to become silent and very hesitant around close friends.

Likes: Food, being with close friends, leading the school LGBT+ club, helping out, being lazy on occasion, sleep, having at least some attention and cotton candy

Dislikes: Homophobic and transphobic bitches, mashed potatoes, smoking, drugs (especially drug abuse), alcohol, literally just anyone being an asshole to someone they value or someone who doesn't deserve it

Backstory (optional): — — —

Pets (optional): They have a small, cream-coloured and very fluffy dog named Tails and a long-haired grey/white kitten named Lily

Position in relationship: Definitely sub, for many reasons. Mostly because they are too short and too awkward to be a dom, and they are always a smol spoon.

Three facts about Teddy:
1) Sometimes they're so generous that when friends say 'no' to something they offer to them they become stumped and don't know what to do afterwards, which can lead to some awkwardness.
2) Teddy is really devoted to the LGBT+ club, as well as music and drama (their two favourite subjects). They play the piano and sing in the choir, but also likes to sing random covers of other songs.
3) Teddy LOVES memes. Enough said.

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