The Cat Lady

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Full name: Connie Ackerman

Main alias/nickname: Nini (Nee-Nee)

Other nicknames: None

Age: 15-17

Gender: Female (trans MtF)

Sexuality: Panromantic asexual

Appearance: Medium-length, naturally burgundy-brown straight hair (dyed blonde), bright-blue eyes, white skin, rather skinny, 5'6 in height

Clothing style: Connie literally does not care what she wears. Not at all. You could find her wearing a dress one day at school and the next in pyjamas.

Personality: Connie's personality is kinda a mix of Teddy's and Mitchel's. She tends to lean more to the introverted side, although in certain friend circles she can be seen as rather wise and relaxed. She does well in academic subjects like Maths and Science, but she isn't classified as "smart".

Likes: Cats (obviously), working her job, the library, beanbag chairs, mashed potatoes, being able to give advice.

Dislikes: School (mostly just because of the crowd of people), being reminded of her family, having to speak in public, being publicly ridiculed, chicken

Backstory (optional): You'll have to find out yourself—

Pets (optional): Connie has three cats altogether, all having been strays at one point in their lives. The first is an old tabby cat known as Moggie (male), and the other two are young, spritely kittens (one white, one ginger) known as Dove and Chino (Chee-no). While Dove is a perfectly healthy kitten, Moggie only has one eye (the other he was supposedly born without) and Chino is paralysed (so he cannot move his tail or back legs).

Position in relationship (dom/sub/both): Connie can be either or; she literally does not care. Though usually it depends on whether she's dating a girl, guy, non-binary or whatever.

Three facts about Connie:
1) Connie works at an animal shelter, and also fosters cats along with her parents. She is very well-trained when it comes to looking after cats and kittens, even having training with disabled kittens.
2) Connie is actually adopted, having been the result of a rape. Her biological mother was advised to abort Connie, however she refused and instead requested for poor Connie to be adopted.
3) Connie actually has two dads. Matthew and Keaton Ackerman adopted Connie when nobody else stepped up to do so, since both were married doctors and helped Connie's mother deliver her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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