The Selfie Nerd

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This refers to the top boi. The bottom is too much like Jaedyn XD (Also I've decided these two bois are childhood friends)

Full name: Mitchel Birch

Main alias/nickname: Mitch

Other nicknames: None

Age: 16-18

Gender: Male (cis)

Sexuality: Homoromantic bisexual

Appearance: Short, light-brown hair (kinda like a quiff), walnut-brown eyes, fairly tanned skin, definitely muscled, 6'1 in height

Clothing style: Tends to wear shortsleeved shirts and cropped jeans a lot, occasionally will wear one of those kinda neck scarves (not like a normal one—), usually wears canvas shoes or slip-ons and usually has a plaid shirt tied around his waist.

Personality: Easygoing, quite chill, respectful, loyal, will fight anyone who decides to mess with his friends and loved ones if needed, has a great sense of humour (but sometimes can go overboard)

Likes: Cooking (he might be gay, but he's GREAT at cooking), hanging out with his friends, shipping people, dogs (definitely), planning special dates (like theme parks or ice-skating)

Dislikes: Not knowing certain things, maths (like Jaedyn, he HATES this class with a passion), boring lectures, his parents

Backstory (optional): When Mitchel was about 13 he started dating Maria Bellingham, which was how he came to be best friends with Jaedyn. After a while of dating his sister, however, he eventually came out to both Jaedyn and Maria as gay. Of course both were okay with it, and when Jaedyn told him he was trans (and currently going through transition) he was actually really happy for him, and decided to help fund the surgery for him. When he came out to his parents, however, they kicked him out of the house and abandoned him, forcing him to leave and rent an apartment. He eventually moved in with one of his friends, and still lives there to this day.

Pets (optional): None

Position in relationship (dom/sub/both): Definitely a dom. Like, have you SEEN that body? Also, it would be awkward for him if he was a sub.

Three facts about Mitchel
1) Like Jaedyn, Mitchel is Australian. However, he is a full-blown Aussie and hasn't left the country whatsoever.
2) Mitchel has been in a few relationships before, yet he is still a virgin and prefers to save himself.
3) While Mitchel loves animals, he has never grown up with one his whole life. The only reason as to why was because his father was allergic to pet hair.

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