Not So Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance

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Full name: Jaedyn Bellingham

Main alias/nickname: Jae

Other nicknames: JaeJae, Lynn (this is more of an insult, because his dead name is Jaelyn)

Age: 14-16

Gender: Male (trans FtM)

Sexuality: Biromantic homosexual

Appearance: Short black hair (exactly in the style shown), greyish-green eyes, white skin, also one hella smol boi (he's taller than Teddy though—)

Clothing style: Usually hoodies, sweatpants/jeans and sneakers. Also likes to wear black or grey and sometimes wears beanies.

Personality: Jaedyn is usually rather apathetic about most things, kinda withdrawn from most people but will happily talk to close friends, introverted and seems to give off an emo vibe. But if you're close to him (like REALLY close to him) he can actually be really cuddly and clingy. He'll be like a literal cat—
Also he is actually really smart but he struggles a lot in classes because he doesn't know his potential and also has had pretty bad teachers most of his years in school so he doesn't know how to apply himself.

Likes: Spending time either alone or with someone they can trust completely, reading, listening to music (he does listen to bands like MCR and P!ATD, but he also loves video game music like the songs from Undertale), being accepted, his family

Dislikes: Being rejected, failure, really hates when someone uses the wrong pronouns for him and when someone calls him Jaelyn, sometimes being teased (unless he is really close with the person teasing him)

Backstory (optional): Jaedyn has actually had a really happy family life; he's always had both a mother and a father (who are very supportive of him) and an older sister, Maria (who actually loves her little brother to bits). His school life, however, has been really rough, and up to this point he is barely scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to grades. Before his transition, Jaedyn lived in a completely different area altogether and people, especially girls, always made fun of him because he wanted to do things that were typically masculine things to do. When he came out to his family as trans they were very supportive of him and his parents surprised him on his 13th birthday by paying for his top surgery and any further surgeries that were to take place. Then once they were done and he had completely transitioned the family moved to their new area of living.

Pets (optional): Jaedyn has a large black Newfoundland named Shelby, as well as four of a litter of nine (Sheila, Ebony, Jet and Mozzie). Ebony is specifically his puppy, while Mozzie belongs to Maria and both Sheila and Jet belong to his parents.

Position in relationship: Usually Jaedyn would be a typical sub, but he does tend to make a few dirty jokes which could fluster someone. Still, he suits more as a sub.

Three facts about Jaedyn:
1) Jaedyn and his family are actually all Australian, but when Jaedyn was younger they moved to England. So Jaedyn has an almost English accent but with a hint of Australian.
2) Jaedyn absolutely HATES Science. Science and Maths are his least favourite academic subjects. He will happily put up with English and History though, since they're actually interesting to him.
3) Jaedyn really loves the company of animals. He especially loves taking Shelby and the four puppies out on walks.

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