2. Sunday Roast

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Chapter 2: Sunday Roast

When Cody left the café he felt very flustered. It was the first time he had been complimented at all on his appearance, let alone by someone he found attractive. But then again, Cody wasn’t sure it was a compliment. There was a voice at the back of his head telling him that Hunter didn’t really mean it, that he had spoke to him out of boredom and was only teasing him.

So Cody slowly walked home after his delicious chocolate cake and now the only thing on his mind was his mum’s Sunday roast. He knew that when he returned he would have to wait an hour or so until he had to sit at a table with his mothers, his brother and his brother’s girlfriend to eat a full plate of food. The mere thought of dining with his family and a guest made him feel sick to his stomach. Cody had stopped eating in front of people when he was sixteen. The torture at school was too much for him to handle even with his brother defending him from time to time. But now that his brother’s girlfriend was visiting his mum had told him that he would be eating at the table.

When Cody arrived home he was surprised to find that dinner was almost ready. He walked into the living room and sat on the sofa next to his brother. Chloe was in the kitchen helping his mother leaving the twins time to catch up.

“So where did you disappear to?” Bradley smiled.

“Oh, you know… I just went to the café down the road.” Cody muttered.

“What’d you get?”

“Chocolate cake and a cookie” he was worried that his brother would question his eating before dinner. He knew that his brother would worry that he was ‘falling back into old habits’, what his brother didn’t know was that he had never really stopped comfort eating, his brother just wasn’t there to see it.

Surprisingly his brother didn’t say anything, he gave him a ‘we’ll talk later’ look and simply changed the subject knowing that Cody wouldn’t want to talk about his ‘issues’ right know.

“So you’re starting college soon”

“Yeah, I’m a bit nervous about that. I’m not sure how the kids will react to me.”

Cody was starting college again as when he was sixteen his mum thought it would be better for him to gain more self confidence as after four years straight of bullying and blowing up like a balloon he was near suicidal. Now two years later after becoming an official adult he was ready to get his A-levels, it was another step forward in his life but the annoying part was that he would be put in a class full of sixteen year olds.

Cody and Bradley talked a bit more about what Brad had been up to and how he met Chloe. Before the boys knew it their mum was calling them into the dining room for dinner.

Cody sat down at the table next to his mum and felt frozen for a couple of minutes as he watched his brother and Chloe talk to his mother while eating their food. He looked down at his plate noticing how his mum had given him more food than the others. He started eating slowly as he was worried that Chloe would think he was greedy.

By the time Cody had finished and he was spooning himself another serving of mash potatoes everyone had fished talking about Brad and Chloe and the spotlight was turned on him.

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