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Oh. My. God.

I just saw my dead best friend. The love of my life. What is happening to me?

        I try everything I can to calm down, and my emotions are all over the place. I'm scared because I'm afraid I might be actually losing my mind. But, I just saw her. For the first time in 10 years I saw my love. I've never been this emotional. Ecstatic and fear are the only emotions running through me. The only problem is that it's confusing. Really confusing, actually. 

Maddie is dead.

And she has been for a year.

        I sit on my couch and try to think back to last night. Everything seemed strange. When I saw her, she didn't look right. Why was she so pale? Why did she look so tired? She looked like she hadn't gotten sleep in ages. When she was alive, she was pale, like white. But last night, it was like I ould see through her. When she was standing in my room, there was something about her, no, everything about her, seemed off. I honestly would prefer the dream that's been haunting me all these years. At least I know what's going on in that dream. 

        I think and think and think, and then I pull out my laptop and look up 'people appearing and disappearing in dreams'. Maybe I can get something off of Google, I mean Google pretty much knows everything. I scroll down to find an answer and then I clicked on a link that's too long to memorize. I read it a few times, trying to find what I was looking for. Then, the answer was there, in black and white. 'Usually people that appear and disappear in dreams are often known as spirits.' I immediately close my laptop, and just sit there, like I'm frozen in time.

        It all makes sense, they way she looked and how she disappeared, everything. How her once pale skin looked see through, how her animated eyes sagged. Why didn't I think of it before? I can't believe it. I'm out of my mind, this can't be real.. Can it? 

        All this time, I thought it was just something that people told kids around campfires for a good story, or nightmares. Or something to make a good movie out of. Never would I ever think that this might actually be real. Am I out of my mind? Was it a dream? I hope so. Part of me wants it to be a dream that only happens once in a while. Another part of me wants it to be real, for one more chance to connect with Maddie. One question just won't leave my head, and as crazy as it sounds, the answer demands to be known. At least, I think it does. Did I see her ghost? 

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