
12 3 5

Tagged by weaponmistress and pinoy_exoL_otaku19 Thank you.

1.) What town did you grow up in?

A small town in north india.

2.) What is your eye color?
Dark brown.

3.) What is your favorite season of the year?


4.) What is your Birthday?
May 9th

5.) When was your first kiss?
Not yet

6.) What do you smell like?

7.) What do people like the most about you?

8.) What do people tease you about?
Nothing cuz I don't talk to people.

9.) How many language fo you speak?
Two so far. Hindi and English but I'm learning Japanese.

10.) Would you rather hug or kiss?
I'd rather people stay a foot away from me. I'm touch-averse.

11.) What is your favorite color ?

12.) Are you cute, pretty or hot?
I'd rather not put an adjective on me cuz I don't wanna brag but if you told me I'm "cool" that would make me happy the most.

13.) What are you doing right now?

Watching youtube.





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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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