Shuffle tag

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Tagged by chatoyants Thank u so much for tagging me.This might be my favorite tag of all since I get to share my music with you guys.

The rules are: Shuffle your music player and post the first 10 songs on here.

Here we go:

1. Black Parachute - You Know

2. Kiiara- Tennessee

3. Aiona- Too Late (I'm currently obessesed with this song <3 )

4. Kagepro- Mekaku City Actors OP

5. OZZIE- U (This song is gold.)

6. Oh Wonder- Plans (If you love Oh Wonder, we can be friends.)

7. Hardwell ft. Amber Shepherd - Apollo

8. The Chainsmokers ft. XYLØ - Setting Fires

9. Alina Baraz and the Galimatias - Drift (This duo is highly recommended, seriously go listen of their album "Urban Flora" right now!)

10. KHAI- Alive (The video is from my channel.)

Wow this was mad fun. Please do tag me in this again. I now tag,








I look forward to you all sharing your music with me.


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