Near's Tour

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~Adrika's P.O.V.~

After finishing breakfast, Aeon and I decided to look around our new home. We walked to the main room, where we saw Keehl, or who Aeon discovered, Mello. We also saw Jeevas, who was called Matt. Aeon went to talk to Matt. I noticed Mello and Aeon glaring at each other. 

"Are you new to Wammy's House?" A voice behind me said. I spun around. The white-haired boy, River, from yesterday was there. Aeon had said his name was Nate.

"Y-yes." I replied. "M-my name is Adrika."

"Aww, little Adrika is stuttering." I heard Aeon say.

"My name is Near. I've been here for most my life. If you want, I can show you around." He said.

Aeon walked up to us. "Are you five?"

"I am nearly nine."

"Haha! NEARly!" Aeon laughed. Mello and Matt had come and were laughing as well.

I glared at Aeon. "Are you new as well?" Near asked calmly.

"Yeah. Adrika and I are twins. But you can't tell, since I'm taller. And I have black hair, and her white hair, and my grey eyes, and her purple eyes..."

"I see." Near said. Mello rolled his eyes.

"I was about to show Adrika around. Would you like to come?" Near asked, still calm.

"No, Matt and I are showing Aeon around!" Mello glared at Near.

"You are?" Aeon asked, blushing. 

"Yes." With that, Mello took Aeon's arm and dragged her away.

"I'm s-sorry about that." I said to Near.

"You don't have to be sorry. Follow me."

"O-okay." I said. Near started by taking me to the cafe. Then, the library. It was huge. The walls were covered in books, and several desks for studying sat in an area. Across one wall, several computers were set up. I had never seen so many books in my life. 

"Woah..." I looked at all of them.

"History is over there," He gestured to one area, "fantasy there," he pointed to another, "and science, sci-fi, mystery, adventure," he went on. 

"There's so many." I said.

"I've read all of them. Mello has too." I stared at him. 

"You do know this is an orphanage for gifted children, right?" He asked.

"W-well, yes, but, that's.... a lot."

"Have you heard of the legendary detective, L?" I nodded. "We are being trained to suceed him. The people most likely are the ones with the highest scores. Mello is the second in the whole orphanage. Matt is third." He said.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well.. I'm first." I stared at him again.

"I told you, I've been here most my life.

"Wow.." With that, we moved on to the outside area, where there was a large field, and a playground set. After that, we saw the gym, where P.E. occured, and then we headed to the classrooms. When we walked into one of the math classrooms, we met Mello, Matt, and Aeon. Mello looked at us and turned around, storming out the other door.

Aeon looked at me, and looked at Near, and followed Mello out. Matt glanced at us, smiled and waved, and walked out with the others. 

"What was that about?" I asked. Near apperently didn't hear me, as he continued talking about math class, and after, we headed to another place.

~Aeon's P.O.V.~

"Why did you leave as soon as Near and Adrika came?" I asked.

"Because. I hate Near." Mello stated simply.


"Because he's always perfect. Always #1. And guess who always comes in second place?" He said, angry.

"You're second in the entire place?" I asked, again.

"Yeah, he's second. He's a lot smarter then Near, but he probably studies more or something." Matt added.

"Hrpmh." Mello grumbled and walked to show me the other classrooms.

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