The Past

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"Ey, Smartypants!" The sixth grader yelled at anoter kid, "Math assignment. Give it to me." A young boy with black hair and purple eyes looked up from his book, sadness in his eyes. 

"But it took me an hour..."

"So? It'd take me longer. Give it to me, or else!"

"H-h-here, Freddy...."

"Wait!" A cheerful young girl ran up. "Leave him alone!"

"I-I-it's okay.." The boy stuttered.

"No it's not! You did it, you deserve it!" The girl went up to the bully. "Leave him alone, you jerk!"

The brown haired boy frowned. "Beat it."

"No!" She glared at him. "Or I'll get Ann!"

"Fine. Whatever." Under his breath, he muttered, "Freaks."

"Th-thank you.."

"It's okay! My name is Laura, what's yours?" The girl asked

"R-Roderich" He replied, looking into her steel grey eyes.

"Come on. We'll go to next class together." She said, smiling.

"Okay." He grinned back at her.


"Hey Laura!" Roderich waved.

"Hey Roddie." She greeted teasingly as she hopped out of the car at the highschool. She gave him a quick kiss and practically dragged him to the first class. Their best friend, Ann, smiled as they walked in. 

"Hey guys." The three of them sat together the rest of the day.

*Another timeskip*

"Roderich... I think I have an idea." Laura said, studying the photo.

"Hm?" He replied, looking over at her desk. 

"See this symbol carved onto the wall next to the body?" She pointed to a snake curled around a dagger. "If we can find the symbol of the person it belongs to..."

"On it." Roderich spun around in his chair, typing away at his keyboard. His search results popped up and he looked at it in defeat. "The Mafia..." 

"Darnit!" Laura stressed. "We've never been able to arrest them before!"

"Well," he said, "Maybe soon we will. Together."

*More timeskips*

"Roderich, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do." He replied.

"And Laura, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I sure do!" She grinned.

"Then you may kiss the bride." 


"Roddie... I'm pregnant." Laura shouted. Roderich grinned ear to ear.

"And that's not all... it's twins!" Roderich ran and hugged her. "Oh, I love you so much Laura.."

*Timeskip, brought to you by Ridrhauh twins*

"Come on Asa!" Ada yelled. She saw her sister's first name floating above her head. 

"Ada, why do we see names? Other people don't seem to." Asa said.

"Hm. Also a random number."

"A number? I see a month.." The seven year old said.

"Weird. What do they mean?" Ada wondered.

"Mom and Dad have the same month." Asa replied.

"The same number too. Maybe it's because they're married." Ada reasoned. 

-And it was all okay, until June 13'th arrived-


The two children cried next to their Auntie Ann, as the caskets carrying their parents, wiped out by diease, passed them. Ann tried their best to sooth them but she too was crying.

"It's okay, little ones, be brave." 


"You will be safe here, okay? But you will both need Alias.." Ann said, thinking.

Asa and Ada looked up at her. "You know, your parents were considering another name. One was Aeon, and the other was Adrika. Perhaps you could use these."

"Yes." Asa replied. "It will honour our parents."

"I will be Aeon." Ada said.

"I'm happy to be called Adrika." Asa added.

-With that, the three of them walked into Wammy's House, where their new future would begin-.

A/N: Dedicated to 3vertay for inspiring us to continue the story. :) -Aeon and Adrika

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