The Present

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~Adrika's P.O.V.~

The bright, flashing lights of the Winchester Mall were everywhere, and I stayed close by my sister's side. They had taken some of us at Wammy's to buy new things to bring back. They had given each of us £25, ($20) and now Mello, Matt, Near, Aeon and I were walking down one of the brightly lit halls.

"Guys, can we stop here?" Matt asked, pointing at GameStop.

"You can. I'm going to the candy shop upstairs." Mello replied.

"There's a candy shop? Count me in." Aeon smirked.

"Near and I are also going upstairs." I added.

"Alright, see ya." Matt said, and walked towards his utopia. We got to the elevator and Mello pressed the up button. We waited, until finally the elevator arrived and we stepped in. Aeon hit the third floor, and the doors closed as we were lurched upwards.

Mello and Aeon parted ways with Near and I, they going left as we headed right. We entered a store aimed for children, but Near wanted to look at toys and I wanted to check out the art supplies. I found the right area, and looked around. They had many types of brushes and stencils, and what popped out to me, was the many, many different colours.

I nearly walked off before I saw it. A medium sized art case with places for brushes, pencils, erases, and the like stood out. It was made of a polished cherry wood, and would hold all my scattered supplies.

The excitment in my chest died down as I read the price. £27 ($22). I sighed, about to leave the beautiful item before I was stopped by Near.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't have enough money to get it. It's fine." I replied.

"I bought a new puzzle for £12 ($10), would you like to borrow £ 2.5? ($2)?" He offered.

"Really? A-are you sure? Y-you're serious?"

He nodded, "Of course."

We went to checkout and he helped me get my art case. Near had gotten an intricate 5,000 piece puzzle of a zebra pattern. It would be very difficult. I thanked him many times as we went out to meet Mello and Aeon. When we found them, they were both eating candy and had a huge bag full of, most likely, chocolate.

We went into the elevator as it declined in elavation... until it came to an abrupt stop. I looked at Aeon, and her witty reply followed,

"We're stuck."

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