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The next morning was the usual and some unusual since I had a fugitive cooking breakfast in the kitchen. She had spent the rest of the night in the bathroom dyeing her hair. Stella's hair was now blonde with black roots roots underneath. "I already knew I had to change it if I wanted to go anywhere with you." She said as set a plate down in front of me.

"Good, because I have tour preparations today and I can't let you stay here."

"Why not? I thought we went over this."

"Look, just come with me."

"And do what? Watch paint dry?"

"Well, I really don't think there's much to do here without a key to any of the rooms."

"Fine, I'll go." She rolled her eyes and went straight for the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To get some clothes from one of these rooms, one of them is bound to have women's clothes."

"My sister may have left a few things here."

"So I've noticed," She replied, coming downstairs with a pair of light blue skinny jeans, red v-neck shirt, and a pair of tan lace up boots. Jesus, how much did Janet leave here? Stella raises her eyebrow at me as I sit at the table.


"Aren't you going to leave the room so I can change in the living room?"

"Why would I look at you?"

"I don't know, you could be a pervert for all I know." I roll my eyes at her comment and get out the room so she doesn't complain. Leave it to her to say something like this.



I've been sitting on this chair for nearly four hours.

I was never the type to sit down for very long because, well, I always had things to do. Michael could've at least given me something to do instead of sit here and watch him talk. He wouldn't even let these people take a break, a break would've been normal but obviously this guy is a perfectionist. He stopped every time a note was off key or didn't sound right.

I spent some time wandering this place and found Michael's items in a room backstage, he had quite a few very advanced books some which I've read. Maybe he wasn't as stupid as I thought he'd be, but that still didn't have my favor. Other than that he had quite a few magazines strewn about that didn't really catch my interest. The couch in the room had enough clothes to fill a closet and was quite messy- Nathan was always someone who liked to keep himself orderly, and I admired that very much.

After the adventure I had in Michael's room backstage, I decided to go back to the stage to see what he was doing with his crew. They were getting ready to leave for lunch and here I was starving. Michael told me not to talk to anybody but I can see some of his crew and band members looking at me, so being the person I am I approach one of them.

"Hey, you're Michael's lady friend, right?" A guy with blonde hair and blue eyes asks me, he's cute so I'm quickly drawn to him.

"I guess you could say that," I answer as truthful as I can get.

"Why have you been sitting there?"

"The boss over there-" I pointed in Michael's direction-"asked me to not talk to anyone."

"Well, that sounds boring. What's your name?"

I want to say Stella but I realize how fast I'd be caught so I quickly say the name on my fake ID.

The Con Artist (A Michael Jackson fanfiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now