First day of School for the leader of the Paw Patrol.

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Ryder: was still sleeping until he heard his pup pad ring at 6:15 in the morning ugh Ryder said while sticking his hand out of his comfy warm blankets to hit snooze on his pup pad ugh he moaned why couldn't school start 8:30 am me and mornings are not good Ryder said in a sleepy groan while he buried his head under the comfy pillow then he pulled his blankets up over his head and pillow and fell back asleep.

Narrator: Meanwhile the pups were waking up.

Skye: Jumps awake pups up and at em we got to get Ryder up for his first day of school.

Chase: Yeah Skye Chase said happily while wagging his tail.

Marshall: Get's up and looks at the time on his own alarm clock it says 6:19 shouldn't Ryder have been up getting ready by now.

Zuma: Says um pups you know how mornings and Wyder don't mix. He must have hit the snooze button and buried his head under his comfy pillow while throwing his blankets over his head and pillow.

Rubble: Says yeah.

Rocky: Says so how we gonna get him up so he's not late for school Rocky asked.

Robo Dog: speaks threw his voice chip, one of you pups could call Katie and she could come over and help us wake up Ryder for school.

Marshall: Says so which of us is gonna call Katie.

Chase: I will Chase said. I will use my pup tag to call Katie.

Narrator: Meanwhile at the pet clinic Katie was giving Cali her breakfast when her phone rang.

Katie: I was just finishing feeding Cali her breakfast when my phone rang. Hello Katie said as she answered her phone.

Chase: Hi Katie it's me Chase. We have a problem and we need your help please Ryder was suppost to be up at 6:15 to get ready for school but he hit the snooze button seems him and mornings don't do so well so can you come please.

Katie: Say's sure Chase while she looks at the clock it says 6:23 in the morning I will be their in ten minuets okay Chase.

Chase: Says okay bye and hangs up.

Narrator: Back in Ryder's room his alarm clock went off again.

Ryder: Heard his alarm clock go off again ugh no he groan sleepily as he took his hand out of his comfy warm blankets and hit the snooze button again then he snuggled under his pillow and blankets while letting out a big yawn.

Narrator: Time Skip ten minuets later .

Katie: Says k pups I am here so can someone please show me to Ryder's room.

Rocky:Says yep follow me Rocky said to Katie.

Katie: Follows Rocky up the elevator to the command station.

Rocky: Rocky quickly points with his right paw while saying Ryder's room is just down this hall way and is the last door on your right.

Katie: K Rocky I got it she said as she walked down the hall way and when she got to the door of Ryder's room she gently opened the door and then she quietly entered the room um Ryder it's time to wake up sleepy head.

Ryder: Just groaned huh what Katie why you here he said super sleepily and then a big yawn escaped his mouth as his alarm clock blared for the third time so he hit the snooze button one more time then he re rolled over to sleep.

Katie: Sighs and walks up to
Ryder we got to get to school soon so I need you to wake up please she said while she shook his shoulder.

Ryder: Groaned again and then he slouched down deep under his blankets and then he jammed his head under his pillow before saying ugh why couldn't school start later mornings and me don't mix Ryder said threw another yawn.

Katie: Quickly looked at the time, it said 6:37 in the morning, so Katie slipped off the blankets so the air-conditioned room could jolt Ryder awake.

Ryder: Just shivered and then he swiped the blankets back out of Katie's hands only to pull them tightly around his whole body.

Katie: Says Ryder will you get up if I made you breakfast...

Ryder: Rubbed his eyes may yawn be he said through a final yawn...

Katie: Says fine and goes back down to the first floor of the look out and goes to the kitchen to make Ryder's breakfast.

Ryder goes to schoolWhere stories live. Discover now