Making breakfast for Ryder

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Katie: Gets into the kitchen grabs a pan and cooks a cheesy ham and scrambled eggs with tomatoes  toast and cream cheese and few pieces of fresh warm bacon. Maybe the smell of food would wake Ryder up for school.

Ryder: Bolted up in his sleep once the aroma of bacon  hit his nose so he put on his chase slippers and slowly walked down to  the elevator  still in his PJ's then once  he  got into the kitchen he then sat down at  the island and rested his head into his hand while still trying to shake off the feeling of  sleep.

Katie: giggles well good morning sleepy head.

Ryder:  Just yawns a sleepy good morning back ugh why does school have to be this early.

Katie: I know Ryder your not a morning person here maybe your breakfast will wake you up. So she set his breakfast down onto the island where Ryder was sitting.

Ryder: Sat up straight and grabbed his fork and started eating his breakfast.

Katie: Well  puberty must be smacking you in the face Ryder.

Ryder: swallowed a bite of his yummy bacon  before saying Katie never mention the p word please he said as he finished his breakfast.

All the pups run into the kitchen

Skye: woah pups looks like Katie did it she got Ryder up.

Chase: Yeah aw he still looks sleepy.

Marshall: I know what Ryder needs his blue berry mountain power Rade drink Marshall said as he runs to the fridge and gets the bottle for Ryder.

Ryder: Yawned Stretched and rubbed his eyes then he finished up his breakfast by eating his last piece of bacon as he saw Marshall hand him his power Rade.

Marshall: Here Ryder this may help you wake up.

Ryder: Thanks Marshall he said as he took a sip then he woke right up Katie please give my pups their breakfast they can have eggs with ham and tomatoes and bacon make sure they each get a bowl of cheesy kibble to the bag of their kibble is on the counter Ryder said while he rushed back to his room to get dress and grab his back pack plus his pup pad.

Katie: feeds Ryder's pups their breakfast while she waits for Ryder.

Ryder: Walks out of his room and heads back down to the first floor. Katie I am all set for school, Pups if you need anything try to wait until my break okay if it can't wait you can call Mayor good way or Captain Turbo for help.

All Pups: K Ryder have fun at school.

Ryder: Sighs I will try.

Katie: Don't worry pups I will due my best to keep him safe.

All pups: Thanks Katie.

Ryder goes to schoolKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat