The text feature

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Chase: Well pups I called you here to show you something cool, I was just minding my own business  when I saw my pup tag do something  cool.

Marshall: Really Chase what did it do?

Rubble: Yeah tell us what it did?

Zuma: Wagged his Tail excitedly.

Skye: Did three back flipps in a row to show her excitement.

Rocky: Also wagged his tail and took a guess at what Chase was gonna show them so he guessed the pup tags had a texting feature  use the big screen to see it.

Chase: Looked at Rocky completely shocked, yes Rocky your right how did you know Chase asked still in shock.

Rocky:  I  made up a old blue print of that feature  2 months ago I left it in case Ryder wanted to use it and give us an upgraded feature I am schocked to see  he  wanted to test it out.

Narrator: meanwhile back at the school Ryder was still waiting for Chase to text him back before he headed to his first class with Katie.

Ryder: Sent Chase another text which said Chase are you okay you had me waiting I need answer  to see if it work I need to head to class with Katie.

Narrator: Back with the pups they all saw the new text light up the big screen as it was saying you have one new text from Ryder.

Chase: Blinked oops for got to text Ryder back so he said pup tag send this message back  to Ryder, it works Ryder sorry for not answering  you the first time was explaining  this to the pups sending.

Ryder: Recieved  Chases message   then he read Chases message  and then he replied  silly pup okay going to class now with Katie by.

Narrator: So after the tex feature  both Ryder and Katie headed to class which was math.

In the class room  a few kids were already their waiting for the teacher to show up.

Darring Danny X: Says I wonder when the teacher Ryder or Katie will get here.

Carols: Si I wonder that as well Amigo.

Ace: Me to I hope Ryder and Katie get here soon there only 4 minuets  until the late bell.

Sid: Nods his head in agreement.

  Darring Danny X Carlos and Ace: All say huh who are you? Are you the sneaky pirate  who steals stuff that the paw patrol has stopped before they all guessed just as Katie and a sleepy Ryder  who looked like he didn't  want to be here he looked like he wanted to be back at the look out still in his comfy bed and pjs they said while Katie and Ryder just walked into the room.

Carlso:  Then said hi to Katie and Ryder as they both sat down while Sid explained  to the others who he was to them.

Sid: Yes you guys were right as to who I was before and he looked at Ryder  is it okay if me and Arrby stop by the look out after school, there was a pause when Sid asked Ryder he got no response  because Ryder  laid his head onto his arms and was asleep.

  Ace: Looked at Ryder so did Darring Danny X then he told   Katie too look.

Katie: Quickly looked at Ryder and sighed I know this is gonna be hard for you she sighed I at least thought you were gonna be awake for at least 1 class she said to her self as the teacher showed up.

Teacher: Good morning class the teacher said my name is  mrs. Apple wood and I will be your home room / math teacher  for the school year, so here is your math work sheets she said as she handed out the work sheets to every one and when she got to katie she had to ask her if Ryder was okay since he was sleeping.

Katie: Told the teacher yes Ryder was okay just  sleepy cause he was going through the P word and being the leader of the paw patrol was also hard work.

Mrs. Apple Wood: I see well here's Ryder's  class work if he wakes up have him do it and if he sleeps through class that's fine he can make it up as homework  k.

Katie: Looks back at Ms. Apple wood really.

Ms. Apple wood: Says yes Katie.

Katie: Says thank Ms. Apple wood as she took her work and Ryders work.

Ms. Apple Wood: Says your most welcome Katie.

Katie: smile at the teacher then she set her class  work and Ryders class work onto her desk then she walked over to Ryder and genly with out waking him up she pulled out his pup pad and put it on silent then she put it back into his vest pocket and then she walked back down to her seat.

Meanwhile in the class next door a random student mixed the wrong ingredients  in to a lab experiment  so the whole science  room caught on fire that's when the fire alarms went off.

Fire alarms: Beep beep beep.

Narrator: Uh oh the alarm will wake Ryder who was asleep yikes.

Ryder: Yawns rubs eyes  and stand up and quickly follows Katie and the other classmates  out side for their fire drill meeting spot then Ryder calls Chase.

Chase: Answers the call Chase here hi Ryder what's up?

Ryder: Yawns before saying there was an explosion  in the science  lab from a upper  class it started a fire Chase need you to come block off the traffic by the school and tell Marshall he's on double duty I need him to bring his  fire gear but also have him pack his emt gear as well once the fire is out he can check on the upper class to make sure everyone  is okay.

Chase: is on the case, then he yelled Marshall grab your double gear and  lets go got to save the school science lab caught fire, pluse you need to check on the upper class after the fire situation  is delt with.

Marshall: Says got it  Chase I am  fired up and ready for a ruff rescue.

Chase: Then slid down the slide and said Paw Patrol is on a roll he said as he landed into his truck.

Marshall: I followed in pursuit doing the same thing...

Narrator: Looks like Chase and Marshall are off on a rescue to save the school lets see what happens next.

Ryder goes to schoolWhere stories live. Discover now