Hanging Out

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<Dawn's POV>

I yawned as I sat up, its Saturday. The weekend. I love weekends, means no school, and more me time. I looked around my room to let my eyes adjust to the light, then reached for my phone.

17 Missed calls, all from Alex.

[[Dawn is now Online]]

[Alex:Dawn, where have you been?]


[Alex:Ok, how are you?]

[Dawn:I'm good, you?]

[Alex:I'm doing great, bored, though]

I thought for a moment

[Dawn:Wanna come over to my place?]


I smiled as I sat my phone back down.

"Hey, you awake?" Ruby asked as she poked her head through. "Yeah" she is the only person I trust with knowing my vampirism, she literally picked me up from the streets, she is always there for me. "My new friend is coming over, hes a fox called Alex" she smiled for a moment "Good...just be careful...he might not agree with you being a vampire" "I know"

I smiled at her and she patted me on the head. She left and I got dressed, making sure to pick something that will hide my fangs. 

After a hour.

[Alex:Hey, I think I found your place]

I looked at the text then walked outside, I saw Alex waving at me "Hey, Alex" I said as I walked over. "Hey Dawn"

We talked as we walked inside "How are you?" "I'm good, you?" "I'm doing good" I said, I opened the door and he walked in, he was wearing a vest with shorts, his orange fur was shimmering in the sunlight as he walked in, I followed and closed the door.

My house has a lot of gaming posters, posters of heroes in their Javelins, along with movie posters, sketches in picture frames. Most of the posters were pokemon, destiny, fallout, skyrim, skylanders, games like that, there were notebooks on my 'work' desk in the living room, where I write story notes, then go on my desktop or laptop to type out, a few printed stories sitting on the desk too. 

"Never guessed you would be a big gamer" Alex said, looking at one of the posters. His attention turned to the notebooks on my desk "Can I read one?" he asked, walking over and picking one up "Sure, its a work in progress"

He read through it, he looked like he liked it "Is it good?" I asked, "Yeah, its really good" he said as he sat it back down after finishing reading it.

"You have a lot of vampire stories" he noted "I just like making them"

<Alex's POV>

We spent the next hour or so talking and playing games. Eventually I asked "Why do you cover your mouth?" he didn't respond for a moment "Dawn-" I was cut off "How do you feel about vampires?" he asked, making direct eye contact, all I could focus on was his red eyes, and grey fur.

My family is a long, long, LONG. Line of vampire hunters, even my parents are, since most vampires are still like what you hear about them in stories, evil. Monsters, so its legal to hunt them. And my parents hate them with a passion, but I'm not fully sure about how I felt towards vampires. "I..dunno, never really thought about it" he looked at me as if he was trying to tell what I'm thinking, "If someone told you to kill one, for no apparent reason. Would you?" he asked, "I..." I thought for a moment "It would depend on the situation, if, it WAS for no reason...I wouldn't"

He gave me another searching, sceptical look, then looked satisfied with the answer. He then moved the mask he was using to cover his mouth away, revealing his fangs, long, sharp. Vampire.

I won't bite (Furry Male x Male Furry Vampire)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें