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"Armani! Go to cell 1."

"Will, 2"

"Darius, 3"

"4 is Diego."

"5, Hayden"

"Johnny you go to cell 6"

"Jaeden cell 7"

"And lastly, Carson, cell 8"

Mackenzie's heart beated quickly. 'What's going on?, she thought.

Johnny appeared infront of Kenzie's cell and unlocked it. He un cuffed her and grabbed her arm leading her to another room.

This whole place was like a maze. There's doors everywhere. Tiny cameras are placed everywhere. How could you even escape.

"Please let me go. I have money, I-I promise I won't tell anyone what happened. Please just let me go." Mackenzie said to the boy.

"Boy shut her up." The man said. Johnny just simply shushed her. "The real way." The man said again. He mouthed 'sorry, before slapping me in the face. Mackenzie felt as if she was going to perish in one touch.

"Good. Now take her to the room."

Mackenzie felt strong arms pull her up. She felt lifeless and weak. She wanted Maddie or Mellissa. Someone to get her out of this hell hole.


"This will hurt a bit." Johnny said.

Mackenzie opens her eyes revealing a big bright light shining right at her. She tried to sit up but she was tied down. "Please.. let me go.." she says.

Johnny pulls a tiny yet sharp knife. "What-what are you doing with that.." Mackenzie stutters. "I'll hurt for just a second. Don't worry." Johnny replies.


"Mackenzie?" Johnny asked.

"Huh? Who are you? Where am I? What's my name?" She questions.


"Who is Mackenzie? Is that my name? What an odd name. What am I doing here? How old am I? Where do I live?" She continued

"Shit! I put in the wrong one." Johnny mutters.

"You're Mackenzie and uh-an orphan, yeah! You're an orphan. I'm You're boyfriend!" He said once more.

"Oh, I sure do have good taste in men." She laughs.

"Boy! What happened." He came in.

Johnny and the man went out the room and talked about what John did wrong. He hit John with a belt and shook his head.

"I would let this go for now. If this backfires you're done for. Just like Jack." He spits at him.

Johnny's eyes widened. Jack was one of his best friends. He was a brother to him. Johnny thought he was set free. He said that he'll wait for him on the outside. He assumed that if he fulfills all his duties for his father the he'll be set free, with jack and someplace safe.


"Yes boy, he's gone. You would be too if you mess up more!" He yelled.

He felt water on his cheeks that came from his eyes. He gulped and said "yes father".

Johnny went back inside the room and slid down the door. He took a photo of him and Jack put of his back pocket when they were little.

Mackenzie stayed by his side as he cried.

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