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"Lost 8 year old, now 16, found in a sewer severely injured." Mackenzie read out. She continued to read from the newspaper. She flipped through the pages to see the little girl's before and after picture.

"N-nadia..." Lauren said from behind her.

"I- I told her not to try anything. I didn't think it would be big.." Lauren said crying out loud.

"I- That should be me." She said breaking down more. Mackenzie wrapped her arms around Lauren's body.

"It's okay. It says she's at the hospital." Mackenzie whispered to the girl.

"It'll be okay."


"Carson!" She yelled out.

"My baby. You're okay. It's me. Your mom" A lady said to the girl.

The teen whimpers as she remeber what happened to her loved one. "C-carson."

"Nadia, who's Carson?" The lady said.

"He was the one that protected me. H-he was the only one that understood me." The red head said.

"Mom. The place it was horrible. And there's more of them inside there. Trapped." The red head said.

"What happened?"her mom said grabbing on to her hand. "From the start, baby." She continued, tearing up.

"The place the man took me into. It was underground. I was in a cage, mom. I was the third one there. There was these two girls before me." She said.

She continued her story of how there was this man with black boots and leather jacket. She proceeded to tell her about his plan for the kids. She also talked about the boys, how they were trained. she told her mother about the matching "couples" as well.

"During my last days im there I met Carson. He wasn't the one for me but he understood me so well. We would talk about everything. He would always sneak in some tiny gifts for me and be careful so the man wouldn't catch him. One day he came to me saying he had a plan that would help us escape."

"We were in the sewers. So close to the outside world. We saw the end and started to run towards it. We stopped so close from it when his lucky charm fell off. He bent down to get it and when he stood up."

"He got shot straight into h-his h-heart!" The experience made both of the women go into tears.

Nadia cried into her mother's arms. "It's okay, baby I'm here now." She said.

"Mom you're a detective. Get on this case. I will help you. Please, for Carson and the girls and boys who're trapped inside that hell hole." Nadia said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes. I will do everything." Her mom replied.


"Okay. We're understaffed since your own brother betrayed us. Carson is dead and if anyone want to try doing what he did, you're dead." The man said.

"Now proceed to what I assigned you to do." He said "and take care of Stefani."

"Now move ! Move!"

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