sharing a bed!would include ♡

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 —he'd get teased by the other members when you first decided to spend the night.

— "you're going to scare her away with your loud snoring."

— his snores use to keep you up but now you were so use to it, it almost became soothing

— joon would sleep on his back and you'd sleep on his chest

— he'd keep an arm wrapped around your back and you'd have one wrapped around his torso

— you guys wouldn't move too much, usually waking up in the same position you fell asleep in


— jin would be the most hesitant to share a bed with you

— you guys wouldn't end up sleeping together until a movie night that ended in you falling asleep

— he'd bring you up to his room

— from that moment on, you'd spend the night often

— even kept some of your pajamas there

— spooning would be a choice position for the two of you

— you'd fall asleep with your head on his chest

— as the night went on you'd end up on your side with him as the big spoon


— when the two of you first started sleeping together yoongi made sure to keep his hands to himself

— he slept on his side with his hands between his legs

— nevertheless, you'd still make an effort to cuddle

— he never protested

— after some time passes, he'd become more comfortable with having you there

— yoongi would like to fall asleep with his head on your chest

— you'd play with his hair as his hand gently clutches your breast

— in a more comforting than sexual way


— hobi would be the wildest sleeper out of the bunch

— the two of you would often fall asleep holding each other

— but he'd shift as the night went on

— you'd try to get him to stay still, sometimes accidentally waking hi up

— he'd mumble an apology but would end up moving again throughout the night

— hobi would take up the most pace on the bed

— he'd sleep directly in the middle and leaving you on the edge

— each morning he'd shove over though, making sure you were comfortable


— jimin would be the most open to sharing a bed

— he loved having you close

— cuddling usually lasted for hours and didn't always end up becoming sexual

— no matter how much teasing it brought out, jimin would prefer to be the little spoon

— he'd fall asleep best that way and you loved holding him

— although you were smaller than him, you'd wrap your arms around his body

— his hands would be in yours as you two slept

— when the morning comes, he'd switch onto his back

— your head would fall on his chest as he played with your hands and hair


— tae would also be very open to sharing a bed throughout the night

— you'd lay awake together through late hours having heart felt conversations

— he got really emotional after midnight

— he'd clutch your body to his when he finally dozed off

— you'd fall asleep on your back

— he'd keep an arm wrapped around your shoulders and the other around your back

— he'd wake up before you, admiring the way you looked sleeping peacefully


— jungkook would act as though he couldn't care less about sharing a bed

— but would be really happy when you joined him

— most nights he'd' be too tired to fall into an actual cuddling position

— falling asleep the second his head hit the pillow

— he'd sleep on his back with his arms behind his head or crossed over his chest

— his mouth slightly open

— you'd cling to him as he slept, listening to his soft breathing before falling asleep yourself

— jungkook would make up for the lack of cuddling in the morning

— the two of you would spend hours in bed just holding each other and chatting.

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