spontaneous sex!hyung line ♡

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— he'd be running late for his meeting with the managers

— the two of you had spent the night watching movies and he ended up falling asleep on the couch

— you were in the shower, practicing self care

— your hair wrapped up in a hair mask, a face mask covering your face

— you were prepping to shave your legs

— the sound of the shower door swinging open would pull you our of your concentration

— "joon! I'm kinda in here." he'd just barely nod at your words, getting in behind you

— "i'm late." he'd grumble sleepily

— "let me just wash my face and i'll move."

— he'd nod his head with a yawn, stepping closer to wrap his arms around your waist

— "you smell so nice." his head would nuzzle against your neck

— you'd smile back at him. "it's that body scrub you got me."

— his hand would drop lower until his fingers were between his legs

— the lips of his fingers brushing against your clit as he pushed your legs apart

— "i thought you were late?" you'd wonder through a moan

— "i am." he'd reply, while lining up the tip of his cock with your entrance

— you'd gasp as he pushed himself deep inside of you, your hands falling against the tiles


— your hands would nervously pull at the ends of your dress, staring at your reflection in the mirror

— "don't you think I should go with the black dress?... she might like that one better."

— jin would roll his eyes, you've changed your outfit three times before

— "babe would you quit your worrying? you're just meeting my mom."

— your eyes would widen at his words.

— "just meeting your mom!? what if she hates me and decides she doesn't want her son seeing someone like me anymore? what if she--"

— he'd cut your sentence short with his mouth, his hands settling on your hips

— jin would turn your body so you were no longer facing the mirror

— "she'll love you, because i love you."

— his words would do very little to calm you, your body twisting to start in the mirror again

— "alright well, do I look bland?"

— he'd laugh with a shake of his head. "no you look hot; just relax."

— his hands would move up toward the strap of your dress pulling it down to expose more of your shoulder

— he'd lean down to press wet kisses against your skin

— that was your favorite spot to be kissed

— he'd trail kisses up toward your neck as his hands hiked your dress up

— "so pretty," he'd grin, the tips of his fingers brushing against the lace of your panties

— "babe!" you'd smack his hand away, staring at his smug face through the mirror. "she'll be here any minute."

— "yeah and you need to relax." he'd bring his hands back to your panties, pushing them down your legs before pressing his mouth against yours

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