noticeable hickeys!maknae line ♡

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— jimin and his best friends had left hours earlier to play basketball at the court not too far from the house

— in the time they were gone you were able to take a bath, moisturize, paint your nails and even start your favorite movie

— just as you began to doze off, the front door would slam open

— heavy footsteps heading in your direction

— both tae and jungkook laughed loudly between each other as they reached you

— "why don't you just ask her?" tae spoke once he was close enough

— jungkook would shoot a knowing look in his direction before plopping down on the couch

— "ask me what?"

— jimin would walk in moments later, hair wet with sweat

— he'd have the shirt he had worn our slung over his shoulder

— you'd smile as he'd lean over the back of the couch to press his lips against yours

— "ask me what?" you'd repeat once jimin pulled away

— "they're being childish, ignore them." jimin would warn you

— you'd urge the boys with a look

— jungkook being the first to speak up. "tae wanted to know if--"

— tae would be quick with cutting him off. "hey-- it wasn't just me." he'd defend

— "i'm confused..." you'd glance back at your boyfriend who'd simply roll his eyes

— "they saw the hickeys on my thigh and have some twisted theory that--"

— tae jumped up quickly, shushing his hyung. "come on, it's embarrassing now!" he pleaded

— "how'd you guys... why'd you show them?"

— jimin rolled his eyes at your words. "no idea, just felt the urge to flash my dick then... whoops." you could sense his sarcasm

— there was nothing innocent about the hickeys against his skin-- especially not the placement

— the strength of his thighs always managed to turn you on

— you couldn't help but put your mouth on them as you jerked him off

— and it was obvious the other boys now knew too


— with a strong hand around your neck, tae would press his mouth against yours

— applying just the right amount of pressure to your throat making you moan

— his tongue would explore the inside of your mouth as you tried to keep up

hands grabbing at his forearms

— "ah, come on! get a room!" the annoyed should would come from yoongi

— tae would pull back only for a moment to flick him off before turning back to your mouth

— "we're going to be late." hobi would remind with an exaggerated groan

— tae would take his time with pulling back from your mouth

— grinning as he took in the dazed look on your face. "you're so into me."

— he'd give you a cocky smirk

— "shut up." you'd roll your eyes, punching at his chest

— he laughed watching as you began to step back

— "call me when you miss me?"

— "i should just call you now, then." he'd flirt and you'd blush

— he'd wait until you were out of sight before ducking in the front seat of joon's car

— "you guys are actually gross." he'd comment as he pulled off onto the road

— tae would ignore the comment, tapping the tips of his fingers against his knee

— "holy shit look at your neck!" jin would exclaim from the back seat, poking at the hickey's covering tae's skin

— "she's my girl... what do you expect?" he'd retort with a smirk, tilting his head toward the mirror to admire your work


— you and jungkook would be cuddling in the living room watching the office with his friends, hobi and joon

— jungkook would have his arms wrapped around yoru waist, head tilted back a bit as you snuggled close

— joon and hobi had been having their own side conversation that the two of you paid very little attention to

— "alright, i'm just going to ask... what's with the turtlenecks man?"

— you took a moment to look back at the black turtleneck covering your boyfriend's torso

— "what do you mean?" his cheeks and the top of his ears were turning pink

— "you've been wearing them for days... not to mention that it's seventy degrees outside." joon chimes in

— "so? i like turtlenecks."

— it was obvious that he was trying to play it cool

— "we have reason to believe you're hiding something."

— you'd decide to jump in and save him-- this was your fault to begin with

— "i'm sure he's not-- he likes what he likes." you tried

— hobi and joon shared one of their silent conversations before both boys were springing up and tackling jungkook

— surprisingly missing you

— joon held him as hobi pulled the collar of his shirt down

— the purplish bruises on his neck were no full display

— "knew it." joon confirmed, taking a step back from kookie

— "you owe me five bucks."

— you couldn't help the laugh that left your lips. "you guys bet one what he was hiding?"

— hobi would nod, fishing in his pockets for his wallet

— "i guessed he cut himself shaving--- didn't expect our little one to have hickeys."

— "our little guys is growing up," namjoon would feign sadness ,wiping an imaginary tear

— jungkook would roll his eyes, a smirk settling on his lips

— "just ask her... im not little."

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