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Dreams weren't real.

That's why they were such things that were only something people wished for internally.

Your eyes longingly watched as Peter went up to Liz, asking her to the prom coming up this spring. It was in about two weeks.

You watched as she nodded with a slight shrug and a smile. Peter turned back around with the joyous look in his eyes that you wished for to be looking at you.

Your sad eyes drifted down to your shoes before looking up to see Peter coming in your direction.

"____! Liz said yes to prom!"

You pushed out a smile. "That's great, Peter."

Your hands gripped the straps on your bag with such force that it turned your hands yellow with force.

"So, are you going with anyone?"

You tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear, looking down at the ground once again. It felt like your safety net.

"Uh, I don't think I'm going to go."

Peter's jaw dropped. "Really? ____, you have to come! It's your first prom!"

You nodded. "I know, but I just don't think I want to go. Peter, I'm not that social."

He shrugged. "I mean, you can always come with me and Liz."

You shook your head. "I don't want to bash your date, Peter. I'd rather just stay home."

Peter looked you deep in the eyes, searching for a sign that told you not to go. Your eyes drifted away from his to avoid any emotions seeping through.

"Have fun at prom, Peter. Send me photos."

two weeks later

Tonight was the dreaded night.

No one had asked you to prom and you were perfectly okay with that. You didn't want to see Peter with Liz, it would only emotionally hurt your heart.

Your eyes drifted to the clock, seeing the time.

It was one o'clock.

The prom was at seven o'clock.

You rolled over on your bed, laying on your bed and staring at the ceiling. Peter was probably getting ready right about now.

You groaned with frustration.

You should've said something earlier and you wouldn't have to deal with any of this right now.

Your phone ringing snapped you out of your thinking about Peter.

"Hey, Pete." You said, rubbing your eyes out of frustration and being upset.

"____, you should come."

You sighed into the phone, sitting up on your bed and tucking the loose strands of hair that slipped into your face behind your ear.

"Peter, I don't have a date."

He sighed back in response.

"Come on, ____. All these guys are stupid for not asking you to prom! It's insane! You're one of the best people I've ever met- besides Ned, of course."

You laughed. "Of course."

"So, will you come?"

You sighed once more. "Peter, I don't have anything for prom. It's six hours before."

"Come on. It's your first prom. You can always dance with Ned if you need to."

Your eyes drifted up to your closet door and to the floor before looking back at your nails.

"I'm just not sure, Peter. Have a good time."

With that, you hung up the phone and stood up. You weren't entirely sure if you even wanted to go.

You wouldn't be going with Peter.

"I wonder where ____ is." Ned questioned, popping another finger food into his mouth. Peter shook his head, readjusting his tie.

"She's not coming. I told you that I tried to convince her but she's not coming." He told him.

Ned sighed. "I wanted to talk to her about that math assignment that's due soon."

Peter looked over at his best friend. "Why?"

Ned shrugged. "It's a good conversation starter with a pretty girl."

Peter raised his eyebrows. "You like ____?"

Ned shrugged. "I mean, she's really cool and we're pretty close. She's really pretty, she's smart. I guess I do."

Peter chuckled. "I'm happy for you."

Liz walked up to Peter with two cups of punch in her hands. "Here's one for you."

Peter thanked her, complimenting her once again before seeing her eyes shift to the doors.

"I don't think it's me you should be complimenting."

Peter and Ned both looked up towards the doors of the gym where you were standing with a light pink dress on your body, the bottom of the dress flowing around you much like a princess.

Your hair was pulled together in a sweetly tire bun with a few flower clips in the sides and throughout the neat mess of hair.

Your baby pink toenails were exposed through the petite, white high heels that made you about two inches taller.

Your nails were manicured nicely with a light pink as well, they were clutching onto your phone and wallet.

Your makeup was a light shimmer of pink that looked like champagne kissed your skin lightly.

"Wow, she's gorgeous." Liz said.

Peter nodded. "She really is. Ned, you're getting a really good one."

Ned smiled. "We're not dating yet."

Peter laughed. "You have hope!"

"Well, I do know she's a nerd."

Liz kept staring. "A nerd who can really dress out if she wants to."

Your eyes searched the crowd for a little bit before finding Peter's but your heart began to ache.

This was a mistake.

However, you had to push through. They clearly had already seen you- Liz was motioning you over.

You sucked in some breaths to calm your rising anxiety and walked on over to them. Flash stepped in your path, though, and stopped you from moving forward.

"Wow, ____. You really know how to dress out." He said, giving you a smile.

You gave him a mere smile before pushing past him and continued to anxiously walk towards Peter and his group.

When you arrived, you gave them all small smiles.

"I'm so happy you came!" Peter exclaimed. "You're going to have so much fun! You don't need a date to have a fun night."

Liz looked at you astonished. "You thought you needed a date? Honey, you don't need a date to come to a silly dance!"

Your eyes looked to your shoes. "It's complicated. Just so you all know, I had to force myself to come. The only reason I'm actually here is because Peter wouldn't stop nagging me about it."

Peter laughed. "I'm sorry but I think you really needed to come! You're going to have a great time."

You awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck, looking towards Ned who was just star struck.

"You okay?" You asked him.

He nodded. "Uh, yeah."

Peter smiled at his friends, seeing Ned looking at you like you were some type of princess.

He just didn't know how much you liked him.

part two coming now.

treat people with kindness.


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