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"You want me to what?"

Regulus was speaking to Pip and No, confused at a request.

"I want you to lead a raid. Or, King Henry does, at least," Pip explained. "I brought his official orders."

"But how do I lead a raid?" Regulus asked, confused. "And what are we even raiding?"

"Regulus, you've been in a few raids already," No spoke up. "I'm sure you know how. I'll be with you to help if anything happens."

"We're raiding enemy territory," Pip butt in. "Specifically, the castle that the Warlock stays in."

"We're going straight to him?" Regulus asked. "He'll kill half our army."

"We're not going straight to him," No answered. "We're invading territory and getting any information we can."

Regulus nodded. We do need any information about Dubhe we can get, anyway.

"Alright, I'll lead the raid. When do we leave?" Regulus agreed.

"Right now, if you're ready. We have soldiers already geared up," No explained.

Regulus nodded. "Then let us set out."


Regulus found himself riding Leo through the forest, other knights on horseback behind him. Pip was in the very back, helping pull a cart of extra weapons and supplies.

Leo suddenly stopped, and Regulus held his hand up for the others to stop as well.

"We're in enemy territory," he concluded. "Let us proceed with caution."

"You're doing really well," No commented, trotting up beside him. "Do you know what to do next?"

Regulus thought about it for a minute and finally came up with a conclusion.

"We'll continue from here and invade from the side of the castle. We shall stay hidden at first, however," he announced to the knights following him. "We must gather any information we can and only attack if necessary. However, if I call a retreat, we must leave immediately."

The knights behind him nodded, and Regulus hopped off of Leo.

"We're close enough to the castle," Regulus explained. "Leave your cavalry here. Pip will watch our horses for us, and they shall be here when we return."

"I'll keep good watch!" Pip cheered, glad to be doing something important.

Regulus nodded in agreement. "Let us go."

He kept Leo out silently as they snuck through the trees. As they continued on, he noticed stone walls and concluded that they were by the poorly-guarded castle.

He held up his hand and stopped everyone. "No and I will continue in from here. The rest of you follow silently and slowly, and keep watch. Alert us if you're spotted."

The knights nodded in agreement, and Regulus helped heave No up the wall. He then got on Leo and jumped up the wall, landing safely by him.

They weren't spotted so far, so Regulus continued silently, keeping note of the few knights far behind him. They snuck around still until Regulus spotted some sort of window.

He silently climbed up into the window and peered in, squatting down on a ledge as he took in the sight before him.

Numbers of guards were gathered around a throne in which a man sat. The man had ginger hair and wore heavy, silver-plated armor with a cape, all topped with a crown and a shining necklace that hung from his neck.

Knight of Lions | The Assemblage of the Stars - Book 4.5Where stories live. Discover now