2. What happened? (Carl X Reader)

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You had been living in Rick's house for the past week since your dad was on a run, and as lovely as it was, there was one issue: Carl Grimes. He constantly teased and taunted you, or even worse, just plain ignored your existence, and it was starting to really get on your nerves. You had tried to be as polite as possible as you were still a guest in his home, but you were growing tired of being treated like this and knew it wouldn't be long before your famous Dixon temper exploded. Hence now, you had just discovered Carl and Ron playing video-games, when you knew for a fact that Carl was supposed to be taking care of Judith. You were tired of working your ass off to be useful around here while the boys just got a free pass to do whatever they wanted.

"What now, (Y/N)? Can you not see we're busy?"

Rolling your eyes, you continued to stand directly in front of the TV, blocking their view.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking after your baby sister Carl? Or did you just brush her off again so you could sit around doing whatever the fuck you choose?"

Carl glared at you and you could sense an argument brewing. Clearly Ron was having the same idea, as he quickly excused himself and sped out the front door.

"Why do you care so much, huh? You try so hard to be tough all the time but its clear the only reason you have lasted this long is because people have protected you! I can't wait until Daryl gets back so i don't have to look at your pathetic face every morning"

"You asshole! At least i'm trying to make a life for myself here while all you do is make everyone around you miserable! No wo—"
you were sharply cut off by Carl pushing you hard against the wall, his hand snaking into your hair to pull your face up to his. As your stared up at him, you were shocked to see hurt in his eyes and your anger quickly dissipated; you had known Carl for too long to stay mad at him, even if he had been an asshole the past few weeks.

"You think i don't know that? You think i don't wish i died back at the prison, that i was gone and everyone could be happy?"

"carl, c'mon, i didn't mean—" you stuttered out, taken back by his confession.
As his hand loosened in your hair, tears started to form in his eyes, before rolling down his cheeks and his head fell against your shoulder; you were shocked. Just one minute ago you were screaming at  each other, but now he was sobbing on your shoulder. You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there, too shocked to move, until he wrapped his arms around you. Instinctively, you returned the hug and your hand went to his hair, stroking it gently away from his face. Eventually he pulled back and you saw his eyes were bloodshot and his face was red from crying.

"'m sorry" he muttered, before brushing past you towards the door. However, you grabbed his hand pulling him back towards you. You wanted to stop this constant fighting, and just go back to how things were.

"Please don't shut me out Carl, we used to be so close at the prison and now its like we never even spoke! Carl you were my best friend - what changed?"
"I-i have feelings for you (Y/N), okay? And i don't want to ruin you or hurt you. Everyone i get close to dies and i cant handle it if you die because of me!"

You grab his hands and pull them to your face so they are cupping your cheeks.
"Carl, i'm here and i'm not going anywhere, okay? And its gonna take a lot more than what we have been through to take me down - I am a Dixon, after all,"
with that you leaned up and brushed your lips against his lightly.
You were so overwhelmed by everything that had just happened but Carl's mouth on yours just felt so right. He began reciprocate your movements, one hand flying to your hip while the other went behind your head to pull you closer to him.
Just as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, the door flew open revealing a very shocked Rick, with none other than your dad, Daryl Dixon, glaring fiercely at the two of you from behind. You buried your face in your hands, while Carl stood behind you wide-eyed.

"Oh shit," Carl mumbled into hair quietly.
"You two better explain yourselves before Daryl has your head Carl," demands Rick sternly.
"Um...You see we were just..."

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