4. Daddy Dearest (Negan X Daughter Reader)

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You were currently looking after Judith and Liam, the two youngest and possibly energetic toddlers in Alexandria. Well, it wasn't like there were many children around by this point of the apocalypse. Even though you were just fifteen years old, you were often left with them them because anyone could tell you cared for the kids as if they were your own. However, this had been a particularly challenging day, and with half the group gone to take Maggie to the Hilltop, you were exhausted.


Relief flooded you as you heard the familiar rumble of the RV pulling back into the small town, but before you could react, Judith was speeding out of the front door.
"Dada! Dada!" she gurgled, and as you sped after her, you quickly realised something was wrong.
To begin with, there was a large black truck accompanying the RV, and as you looked closer, you didn't recognise the people inside it. You grabbed Judith's hand, hiding her behind you legs while you tried to figure out what was going on. People began to trudge out of both vehicles and you realised you needed to get your little girl to safety.
Kneeling in front of her, you told her,

"Sweetie, go back to the house. I'll come and get you in a minute, okay? Everything's fine, I just need to talk to your Dad real quick."

You gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, and she turned around, running gleefully back to Liam. You smiled, remembering a time when you didn't have a care in the world. It felt like so long ago.
By now, you could hear voices speaking behind you, and looking over to the gate, you saw Rick's people, along with some unfamiliar figures. You had a bad feeling, they looked threatening and a pit began to form in your stomach. Looking around, you saw the inhabitants of Alexandria staring curiously at the entrance, so you made you way closer to the congregation of vehicles at the gate. As you got closer, you could see the group that were supposed to be a Hilltop, with pale faces and watery eyes. You still couldn't see who was speaking, nor recognise the voice as it was muffled due to the Alexandrians huddled in front of you.

"Who are you?" questioned someone, probably Spencer, he always tried to be the leader.

"Why don't you come on over and ask Rick the prick, huh? We've been having a nice little chat that y'all need to get caught up on."

Oh shit, you knew that voice. Shoving people out the way, you came face to face with him. Well, not really, he had his back turned, but you would recognise that
voice anywhere.
Your father.

It was now that you saw Rick in full detail, his face splattered with blood; it was crimson, and you could tell it didn't belong to a walker. Sasha and Rosita were both crying softly, while Carl had a hard, furious look set on his face. Maggie looked heartbroken and you were quick to spot the absence of Glenn.

Oh God, please no.

You could feel a pit forming in your stomach, and could piece together a rough idea of what he had done.

He finally turned around, shock evident on his face as he looked you up and down. You saw the faces of your people, looking wide eyed at you. As he began to stride towards you, you instinctively pulled out your gun, stopping him in his tracks. Maybe not the smartest move, as consequently all your father's men did the exact same, immediately pointing their weapons at you.
"Back off, she's my daughter for fucks sake," he sighed, standing just a few meters in front of you.

"So this is how you greet me, (Y/N)? The man who raised you? Wow, you really have changed."

"Yeah, it tends to change a person when they see someone they love die right before their eyes, and then come back as a monster. Oh, but you wouldn't know about that would you? You cleared off as soon as you found out Mom only had a week left."

His face fell, and you started to feel the slightest bit guilty; you were the only family he had left and you were pointing a gun at his head. No, you thought, you had made it three years in this new world without him, and you sure as hell didn't need him now.

"(Y/N), i'm sor—"

"Don't you fucking dare! Don't you dare apologise to me now! You left me when I needed you the most, I lost both my parents in the space of a week. You cant possibly think 'sorry' will make up for that!"

"Please, put the gun down. I'm your dad, (Y/N), you mean everything to me!"

"Well with dads like you, who needs one?"
And with that you pulled the trigger.

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