Chapter 3

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Ivypaw dropped her catch on the fresh-kill pile and padded up to join Lightningpaw in the clearing. The hunt had woken up Ivypaw after yet another sleepless night. After Snaketongue's death, Squirreltail, Russetfoot, and Larkwing had all died in their sleep over just the last quarter moon. Since his mentor died, Applepaw had to be given another mentor, Amberpetal. Ivypaw was always terrified she or someone she loved would die in their sleep and that some nights, Ivypaw just wouldn't sleep at all and just lay in her nest wide awake all night.

"Ivypaw!" Lightningpaw called.

Ivypaw padded up to Lightningpaw and the two sat down.

"I can tell something is worrying you," Lightningpaw meowed, "What's wrong?"

"It's....this string of deaths," Ivypaw admitted, "Five cats have died in just a quarter moon and we only know for sure how one of them died."

"Yeah," Lightningpaw replied, "I hope Eaglefeather finds out why cats are dying in their sleep."

"That's just the thing," Ivypaw meowed, "I think someone might be causing these deaths."

"But how?" Lightningpaw asked, "There were no physical marks on any of the cats' bodies."

"They could've been cleaned up," Ivypaw suggested, "To hide the identity of their killer."

"Maybe," Lightningpaw replied, "But who would do this?"

"Lightningpaw! Ivypaw!" Two voices called, interrupting the conversation.

Ivypaw and Lightningpaw turned around to see their mentors, Longstripe and Starlingfeather walking toward them excitedly.

"Yes?" Ivypaw asked.

"We just spoke with Eaglefeather," Starlingfeather began, "And we're expecting kits!"

"Wow!" Lightningpaw exclaimed, "Congratulations!"

"Yeah, congratulations!" Ivypaw added.

Longstripe smiled proudly, entwining his tail with Starlingfeather's.

"Starlingfeather will have to go to the nursery soon," Longstripe explained, "And when she does, Snowpelt will be your mentor Lightningpaw."

"Woah!" Lightningpaw exclaimed.

"The deputy is going to be your mentor?!" Ivypaw gasped.

"Yeah!" Lightningpaw exclaimed.

Ivypaw watched Lightningpaw jump up and down excitedly with an amused smile. Stralingfeather and Longstripe let out amused chuckles and padded toward the warriors' den. Once they were out of sight, Lightningpaw stopped bouncing and looked at Ivypaw seriously.

"So who do you think did it?" Lightningpaw whispered.

"Maybe a cat from one of the other clans?" Ivypaw suggested.

"Probably Shadowclan," Lightningpaw meowed.

"It could be any of the clans," Ivypaw meowed, "Aside from maybe Skyclan, since they don't share a border with us."

"It also could've been a rogue," Lightningpaw suggested.

"True," Ivypaw replied, "It could literally have been anyone!"

"We should check the territory for any signs of an invasion," Lightningpaw suggested.

Ivypaw nodded and the padded side by side toward the camp entrance. Suddenly, a russet-furred shape blocked their path. Ivypaw leaped back with a gasp.

"FOX!" She yowled.

Ivypaw and Lightningpaw lunged at the creature, claws unsheathed. Ivypaw sank her claws into the fox's back and held on tight. Lightningpaw stood in front of the fox, slashing their face with her claws. Ivypaw sank her teeth into the fox's scruff and buried her claws in their shoulders. The fox let out a high pitched whine, and violently shook the two cats away. Ivypaw landed on her paws and dug her claws deep into the dirt before slashing the fox's chest. Finally, the rest of the Windclan cats approached the fox with their claws unsheathed and eyes full of anger. Accepting defeat, the fox rushed out of camp. The cats began cheering as Ivypaw and Lightningpaw panted in exhaustion.

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