Chapter 9

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"Snowpelt is dead!" A voice announced. Gasps arose from the cats in the camp. Ivypaw's head jerked up. Eaglefeather was standing at the entrance to camp with yet another corpse of a Windclan cat at his paws. Mistpaw and Lightningpaw, who were beside their friend, gazed at the medicine cat with fear in their eyes.

"What happened?" Sunfur asked, running up to her brother.

"He was run over by a monster while we were crossing the Thunderpath." Ivypaw immediately knew the medicine cat was lying in some way. Eaglefeather was a talented liar, as she and her friends now knew.

"Who did he name deputy?" Amberpetal asked.

"No one." Eaglefeather replied gravely. Ivypaw gasped. Several other noises of shock and terror rose from Windclan camp at the realization that they now had no leader.

"Who will lead us?!" Fuzzytail demanded. Eaglefeather took a step forward. He raised his head high as he gazed at the cats in camp.

"Starclan has given me no sign of who they want to be our leader." Eaglefeather announced. He spoke slowly, as if he was thinking about each word before said it. "I am the last thing Windclan has that even compares to a leader. So I believe until I receive a sign from Starclan, that I should be the leader." Ivypaw was unable to stifle her gasp. Was this his plan all along?!

"What?!" Harepelt spat in disbelief.

"A medicine cat cannot be a leader." Amberpetal argued. "It is unheard of!"

"It will only be temporary." Eaglefeather replied calmly. "As soon as I get a sign from Starclan, that cat will be the leader." Suddenly, Eaglefeather's intense amber gaze shifted toward Ivypaw. "What do you think Ivypaw?" She stiffened in surprise.

"What Eaglefeather is saying..." Ivypaw hesitated in her response. "Makes sense." Mistpaw and Lightningpaw gazed at her in shock. Ivypaw felt her heart begin to pound. She couldn't believe she had just supported the cat who murdered many cats! "It is the best choice for now."

"Thank you, my friend." Eaglefeather responded. There was a hint of cunning in his meow. Ivypaw felt rage build inside her. Was that all their friendship was to him? Something else to manipulate for his plans? Every other cat in the clearing began to nod and murmur agreeingly amongst each other.

"I still don't like it." Amberpetal spoke up. "Medicine cats aren't meant to lead." Eaglefeather glared at her angrily before leaping atop the Highrock. He gazed down at his new subjects with smug satisfaction.

"Then my first act as Windclan's temporary leader is to make Sunfur my second in command." Eaglefeather announced. Ivypaw was surprised to find affection in Eaglefeather's gaze. She had assumed Eaglefeather to be incapable of true affection.

"I'm honored." Sunfur replied with a dip of her head. "Windclan, I swear to serve you best as I can as Windclan's temporary second in command." Eaglefeather nodded to his sister approvingly.

"Next," he continued, "I wish to make two apprentices warriors. Mistpaw, Lightningpaw, step forward." Ivypaw's two friends froze, staring up at Eaglefeather in shock. Only after a few awkward moments of silence did Lightningpaw speak up.

"Actually, we wish to become apprentices with Ivypaw."

"And she's not quite ready to become a warrior." Mistpaw added.

Ivypaw couldn't help but blush a bit. She and Ligntningpaw had made a promise as kits that they would become warriors together. However, she knew that wasn't the only reason they had done that. They didn't want Eaglefeather, a false leader and a murderer to make them warriors. Eaglefeather visibly tensed in frustration.

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