Chapter 7

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It had been a few moons since the battle with Shadowclan and during that time, there was peace. No cats were dying in their sleep and there were no major battles. However, Ivypaw couldn't shake away the feeling that something was wrong. This feels almost like a trap, designed to lure us all into a false sense of security. Ivypaw kept her worries to herself since no one else seemed to share her suspicions.

"Ivypaw! Lightningpaw!" Ivypaw jerked in surprise. She looked up from her nest to see Snowpelt, just outside the apprentices' den. Prodding at Lightningpaw's side, Ivypaw bounded over to her mentor. Lightningpaw, still half-asleep, followed suit. Snowpelt gazed down at them.

"Since you two have been apprentices for several moons now, I believe it is time to put your abilities to the test." Ivypaw and Lightningpaw exchanged surprised glances.

"We're going to do our warrior assessments?!" Ivypaw asked excitedly. Snowpelt nodded in response. Ivypaw and Lightningpaw squeaked excitedly. Snowpelt flicked his tail, ordering the two apprentices to follow him. Lightningpaw bounced eagerly after the deputy while Ivypaw followed the two slowly, smiling in amusement at Lightningpaw. She's so cute when she's excited. Ivypaw shot a glance back at camp. Amberpetal, Applepaw, Mistpaw, and Amberstar were gathered in front of the tunnel entrance. What are they doing? Ivypaw gazed back at her mentor.

"Can I go see my brother before we leave?" Ivypaw asked. Snowpelt nodded. Ivypaw immediately sprinted toward her brother. "Applepaw!" She called. The entire patrol averted their gazes toward Ivypaw.

"Oh, hey Ivypaw," Applepaw replied. His fur was prickling with insecurity. "What do you want?"

"Me and Lightningpaw are going to do our warrior assessments," Ivypaw informed.

"Oh! Congrats!" Applepaw exclaimed.

"Yeah! Great job!" Mistpaw chimed in. Applepaw pressed his cheek against Mistpaw's affectionately. The gray she-cat responded by licking Applepaw's cheek. Ivypaw smiled at the sight.

"So what are you two doing?" Ivypaw asked.

"We're going to take Amberstar on a tour of the new tunnel." Applepaw answered.

"Wow! What an honor!" Ivypaw exclaimed. Mistpaw looked away as a blush took over her cheeks.

"I guess," Applepaw sighed, looking down at his paws. "But you and Lightningpaw get to do your warrior assessment!"

"We were apprenticed at the same time," Ivypaw replied, lifting Applepaw's chin with her tail. "You'll have your assessment before long, brother." A tiny smile formed on Applepaw's lips. Ivypaw turned to Mistpaw. Her eyes were not filled with the same jealousy that Applepaw's were.

"Ivypaw! Come on!" A voice called. Ivypaw looked over her shoulder. Lightningpaw and Snowpelt were flicking their tails impatiently. Ivypaw looked back at Applepaw and Mistpaw.

"I have to go," Ivypaw meowed briskly. "You two be careful!"

"We'll be fine, sister." Applepaw replied.

"Good luck on your assessment!" Mistpaw called.

Ivypaw nodded to them before taking off toward Lightningpaw and Snowpelt. Casting one last glance at the tunneling patrol, Ivypaw followed her friend and deputy out of camp. They stopped in the middle of the moor. Ivypaw smiled. The feeling of the wind and sun in her fur still hasn't gotten old and Ivypaw suspected it never would. Snowpelt pointed at the Outlook Rock.

"Race to the Outlook Rock!" Snowpelt ordered. Ivypaw nodded and immediately dashed toward the gray rock. Lightningpaw leaped forward and sprinted after her. She caught up to Ivypaw within a few seconds. Both taking long strides, Ivypaw and Lightningpaw ran side by side the entire way. Then at the last moment, Lightningpaw lunged onto the Outlook Rock. Ivypaw's jaw dropped. She tried to mimic the movement but Lightningpaw had already won.

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