4:Why was she his friend again?

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Helena Jo started having doubts. Once she befriended Xander she thought, yey!! Well the only time she talked to him last was when she actually befriended him. And that was about 2 weeks ago.

So yeah, things weren't great lately but atleast she had James with her. She was starting to like James a lot and he was proving to be actually very charming if you looked past his nerdy qualities.

A little self conscious at times but ok overall. The only flaw that she saw in him was he wasn't a fantasy reader AND READ BOOKS BASED ON TRUE STORIES.

Honestly Hela Jo thought they suck because well who wouldn't want to escape to a world of magic, supernatural powers and saving the world. True story books are soo boring, she honestly had no idea why people even consider them as books.

She was a die hard fan of masterpieces like The Harry Potter series, Shadowhunters series, Percy Jackson series and the Hunger Games series.

And did she mention the only fantasy James liked was TWILIGHT. Like are you for REAL!!!! Twilight was actually soo cringy too her and she almost died of cringyness when she watched the movie versions. Was it even fantasy, more like crappy romance.

Once Helena Jo went to a restaurant and as an after ate they gave her a mint chocolate. It had the word Twilight on it and she refused eating it as then it would betray her loyalty to Harry Potter. (although she did kind of shove it down her mouth in the car). Anyways.....

On this particular morning, James was walking along with her to school and they were arguing about whether Harry Potter is better or Twilight.

"Ok like atleast Hermione is actually useful to the story and is the brains behind the golden trio, ok Bella just sits there being a distraction to Edward.", she defended Hermione one of her favourite characters.

"No Bella is the main character of the book, without her the story wouldn't even exist and...yeah....", He failed trying to defend Bella, well she was right.

She changed the topic, even though she did enjoy roasting Twilight and seeing James stuttering, she decided to leave him alone. "So do you have any siblings?", she asked.

"Yeah, one younger sister, she's in 2nd year (equivalent to 8th grade), she doesn't go to this school though. She goes to the girl's school near town". "You?", he asked back.

"Nope, only child. Life's pretty lonely but not that bad, I mean at least I get more stuff". He chuckled at that and said "true".

"And Hela Jo?", he started uncertainly. "Yes" "What happened to Xander, I didn't see you guys talking to him at all since you made it up to him". "Oh yeah.....that...he's completely ignoring me. I tried talking to him 3 times now and he just rudely walked away. I mean, I was pretty surprised when he sent those texts and for a second wondered if it was that girl who he basically clings onto sent it", she said.

"Oh, that's pretty rude, maybe you should try again?". Helena Jo turned and caught James's strikingly ocean blue eyes. "Yeah, maybe I should", she agreed.


"Ugh, you know your just being outright rude now!", Ariana said outrageously. "It's not even my fault, you were the one to text her and you were the one who encouraged me", he said matching her anger.

"Yes, I know, but at least have a little chivalry Black", she said with her hands on her hips. "Oh now we're on last names are we, fine then Jones".

"Look she's coming and this may be your last chance to make amends Xander Abraxas Black with Helena Jo and me". They were sitting in the school cafeteria and the argument lead to them both standing beside their table with sweetie pie with her hands on her hip and Xander taking a defensive stance. His head swung around at Ariana's words.

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