Chapter Three

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Lyla's Point Of View

"Hobi, sit down please. Taehyung, stop trying to eat Jin's feathers. Jimin, Don't fall out the window." I looked back at my pets.

Hobi was jumping over the seats, exploring everything. Taehyung stuck his paw through Jin's cage's bars and was trying to reach a feather. He succeed once and put it in his mouth. But I grabbed it from him before he could swallow it.

Jimin has his head stuck out the window and his tongue is out, enjoying the wind against his face. It was Dylan's idea.

He said that dogs like it. But I'm worried that he might fall out.

Suga meowed in protest as I kept moving around. He was asleep in my lap, but my movement woke him up.

"Sorry Suga." I apologized and scratched behind his ears.

He purred and fell back asleep.

Jin's cage was seat belted in a seat. He stood peacefully on his little swing in his cage. For a bird, he is super mature.

Jungkook and Namjoon were securely on the ground, and they haven't caused much trouble. I'm pretty sure they are both eating as well.

Dylan was driving us all back to my apartment. I saw him stifle a laugh.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked as I felt a grin creep up on my face.

"You sound like a mom." He glanced at me briefly before looking back at the road. There wasn't much traffic anyways.

Philadelphia was a little crazy at times, but I live on a calm street.

"Well, they are my children now." I shrugged and looked back at the road.

Jin squawked, causing me to turn around to see what was the matter.

"Taehyung! Don't eat the feathers!"


"One two. Three four, five. Six. Where's Taehyung?" I sighed after the numbers weren't right.

"Found him." Dylan snickered.

I looked and saw Taehyung jumping around on the car's roof.

"How-Whatever. Taehyung, come here." I opened up my arms.

He jumped in them and started licking my face,

"Uh, I thought he was a cat?" Dylan asked from beside me.

"He's special." I laughed and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Alright little dude." Dylan tried to pry Taehyung off me.

He meowed loudly and held on tight.

"He's alright." I reassured Dylan as Taehyung sat down in my arms.

"Alright, Jimin and Hobi." I grabbed their leashes and wrapped them around my wrist.

"Dylan, can you get Namjoon and Jungkook?" I asked him.

"Yep." He held them by their cages' handles.

"Uh, now..." I looked at Suga and Jin.

Taehyung seemed to see the problem.

He jumped out of my arms and onto Jimin's back.

Jimin seemed to sigh but didn't to try get him off.

"That works." I smiled.

So Suga is now where Taehyung used to be and Jin was in my other free hand.

"We'll come back for the other stuff later." Dylan told me as he locked the car.

I nodded and walked towards the apartment.

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