Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I've seen your heart. I've seen your tears. I've seen your light. You are one of the most beautiful people I know."
- J. Lynn

Dylan's Point Of View

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot angrily as I stared at the two.

Why, why is that cat cuddling with Lyla?

My nose twitched in irritation as an arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Aren't they adorable?" One of the dogs asked me.

Toby or something.

"Yeah, just great." I remarked and stormed off.

Two Weeks Later

Lyla's Point Of View

I held onto Dylan's right arm and Namjoon's left as we walked slowly out of the hospital.

"I'm so excited!" Hobi skipped in front of us, beaming brightly.

"We get to go home!" Taehyung jumped, propelling himself off of Hobi's shoulders, adding to Hobi's excitement.

I laughed.

"I'm excited too." I held on to Namjoon and Dylan's arms tighter, smiling at the booth of them when they looked over at me.

"I'm so glad you're feeling better Ly." Dylan held my hand, looking me in the eyes.

"I am too." I smiled gently.

It's been a long two weeks, but man. The happiness and encouragement from all of the boys really helped me through it.

I refused the therapists six different times before she finally left me alone. I hate when people think they can just come and fix me. It's not going to be that easy. I've tried.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

We all stopped walking and looked towards Dylan.

He released my arm and pulled out his walkie talkie thing or pager or whatever it's called.

"Yeah? Where?" Dylan pressed the side button and spoke into it.

The man on the other side gave an address and gave him some information.

"I gotta go Ly." He put the pager back on his belt and looked towards me, looking a little frazzled.

"Keep her safe." Dylan pointed at the boys.

Taehyung stood up straight and saluted him. Jin wacked his head as Taehyung erupted into giggles.

Dylan turned to go but I grabbed his hand. He turned to face me.

"Be careful." I told him, my eyes wide.

He nodded and ran off.

I watched him go, fingering my necklace.

Someone hooked their arm around my left arm.

I smiled up at Jin.

"You okay?" He asked me gently, smiling softly.

I nodded.

"I'm ready to go home."


The boys all surrounded me in a tight circle as we moved through the city. Dylan used his car to go to the crime scene. We were left with walking.

That's fine. I needed to get back on my feet again anyways.

I learned that the boys are quite scared of the city. We are all tripping over each other's feet because they're so close.

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