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Hello i'm Elliza(pic of her) but you can call me Ellie. I have a sister one year younger then me and we live in a mansion because I'm a lawyer. Also i used to have a horrible life let me tell you the bad things because there really isn't any good things.

- Bad Things -

1. i got rapped by my moms BF

2. he also abused me

3. my mom abused me

4. my dad died

5. i got pregnant from my moms BF when i was 14

6. i never i mean ever got to leave the house unless i was going to school

7. my mom did drugs

You see how i lived my life try walking in my footsteps and see how it feels.

Every time i got a BF i always had trust issues and was really clingy. Well until i met Augest Alsina.

My Life My World ( will get better in the sixth chapter)Where stories live. Discover now