Chapter One

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Lucy awoke that morning with a bad feeling. "Hm~....Eh, whatever. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," she said to herself confidently. She walked to her dresser and pulled out a short skirt and a tight blouse. She grabbed her ring of keys and fixed her hair into a side ponytail, slipped on her black boots and went out the door.

Soon enough, she arrived at her guild, Fairy Tail. She opened the large doors cautiously, afraid of flying objects, but the guild was quiet and calm with sleeping drunks lying across the floor and tables. Mirajane Strauss stood behind the bar and she smiled at the blonde. "Good morning, Lucy." Lucy replied the same and asked for breakfast.

While Mira cooked, they chatted up a storm quietly, afraid to awake the cranky bodies littered about. But, of course, Natsu Dragneel just had to walk in. "Hi, Lucy! Mira!" His loud voice woke every member asleep. They groaned and sighed, called for water, and sat at the tables like dignified people.

Natsu and Happy sat at the bar on either side of the annoyed blonde. "Hey, Lushee, do you have any fish?" Lucy looked at the exceed with a small amount of disgust. "Why on Earth would I have a fish on me?" Happy shrugged and revealed his small stash of emergency fish. "I do."

Mira chuckled at the banter and reached under the counter. "Here, Happy. I have fish right here." Mira pulled out three fish and handed them to the small, blue cat and Happy lit up, thanked her, and dug in.

They all laughed at him and Natsu and Lucy struck up a conversation. "Ne, Lucy, do you want to go on a job? I'm sure we can get Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Charle." Lucy corrected him almost immediately, "Wendy and Charle went on a mission yesterday. They're supposed to be gone for the week. It'll just be me, you, Happy, Gray, and Erza."

Natsu shrugged and said, "Whatever. Do you wanna go?" Lucy thought hard. "Yeah! Let's go! I'm a bit low on rent anyway," she said, the last part quieter than the rest. Natsu chuckled and walked around the guild to find Gray and Erza. Lucy was tasked with getting a job and she headed straight for the job board.

Lucy read the jobs aloud to herself, "Find a missing artifact, be bodyguards for an actor, protect a jewel - ah! Found one!" She quickly tore the paper off the board and walked over to Mira,  who was making breakfast and giving out waters. "Going on a job, Lucy?" Mira asked. Lucy nodded and handed over the paper.

Mira glanced at it and stamped it. "Enjoy your trip!" Lucy giggled before commenting, "I sure will but we both know how Natsu's going to feel." Mira laughed along with the celestial mage and Lucy waved before heading over to Natsu who was accompanied by two others.

Erza Scarlet and Gray Fullbuster stood to the side of the salmon haired mage. Erza nodded at Lucy and Lucy smiled back before turning towards the whole group. "Alright, it says here that we have to go over to Hargeon. That should only take a day of travel so if we leave now, we should arrive by morning. Meet at the train station in thirty minutes?"

Gray and Erza nodded wordlessly and Natsu groaned at the words "train station" but followed everyone out anyways. Lucy ran to her apartment and packed a small bag of essentials. She summoned Plue and they walked down the street to Magnolia's train station.

When Lucy arrived, Erza and Gray sat there with their baggage. Erza had her usual junk and Gray stuck with essentials like Lucy. When Natsu and Happy came, the most they had were essentials and food.

They boarded the train and passed around the mission paper. Erza read it aloud for everyone, "Bandits are attacking our southern part of Hargeon. Please help rid of them. For more information, meet the mayor at this location. Reward is 50,000 jewels."

Lucy smiled, "10,000 jewels a piece! Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?" They all agreed and eventually fell into their own thing, Natsu retching the whole time, for the next day on the train.

The next morning, they were in the more country part of Hargeon. They all stretched their limbs and breathed in the fresh air. Lucy smiled and looked down at the address written on the paper she held. "It says here that the mayor's house is only a couple of minutes away. Do you guys want to go on ahead?"

They all nodded and continued to his house. They knocked on the door and were met with an old woman. "Oh, hello there. How may I help you today?" Erza smiled at the lady and said, "We are from Fairy Tail. We took a job concerning bandits." The woman smiled widely and invited them in. "My name is Martha. It's so nice to know that we're getting closer to a bandit - free life. Jerry, the mayor, is in here. Please, follow me."

They all followed Martha into a comfortable sitting room. They all sat on a wide couch and waited for the mayor, Natsu and Happy munching on the cookies that sat on the coffee table before them.

Soon enough, a cubby old man walked into the threshold. He sat on the chair that was across from the couch, a coffee table being the only thing in between them. Natsu and Happy still continued to happily eat and look around and Lucy, Erza, and Gray payed attention to the mayor and Martha.

"Well, as you know, bandits have been attacking recently," the three nodded, "and they've become quite the bother. I have information on them if you are willing to go ahead and start now."

Erza, Gray, and Lucy spared glances before Erza spoke up for them. "I apologize, but it's early and we probably won't be much help if we try to help now." The mayor nodded and showed them out of the house.

"Here, my butler will take you to your hotel. It's already been paid for. Think of it as a thank you." They all thanked him and let the man lead them into the night.


1,051 words!
Alright guys, this is the first edited chapter and I'm super excited to make this better. I reread this book and I just wasn't satisfied so here we are. Thanks for reading, again.

(EDITING) Lucy-The Celestial Queen Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora