Chapter Two

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After getting to the hotel, they all flopped on to their beds and snored. When they had gotten off of the train, the sun hadn't even come up yet and after visiting the mayor, they were exhausted. They all slept peacefully until a giant "boom" resounded throughout the village, followed by screams. Natsu jerked up and yelled, "Igneel!" and then passed back out. Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Happy rushed out of the room and into the streets. People dressed in black jumped around with goodies in their bags and hands. They continued to set off a trail of bombs and they all followed the trail, leaving Natsu asleep. 

Soon enough they were on a cliff. Behind them, trees spread out for miles. In front of them, down below, there was another small village surrounded by even more trees. Erza requipped out of her pajamas and sneered. "They must've went down there." Gray, who was only in his boxers, nodded. Lucy squeezed her fists and looked down. Erza suddenly yelled out, "Bandits!" Behind them, the black-clad bandits jumped from the shadows of the trees. Gray and Erza broke out into battle screaming, "Ice-make.." and "Requip!" Lucy pulled out her whip and yelled for Leo. 

Leo beat the bandits with his fist covered in light and Gray froze them. Erza cut them down with her lethal swords and Lucy tripped them up and even occasionally threw them off of the steep cliff. Happy scanned from the sky and yelled out when attacks came from their blind spot. Erza yelled out, "Happy! Go get Natsu!" Happy obeyed and left them to theirselves. They continued to fight until Leo was hit with a knife, and he disappeared back into the spirit world with golden dust in his wake. "Leo!" Lucy instantly called upon Virgo instead and as soon as she appeared, she burrowed into the ground.

"I'm here~!" Natsu yelled out when he came through the tree line. Lucy turned to him with a grateful look on her face, "Natsu!" He closed his eyes with a cheeky smile almost as soon as a bandit came at him with a poison covered sword. "Na-Natsu!" Lucy cried. But, Natsu easily deflected it and sent a fire dragon roar in his direction.

Lucy laughed in relief and got back to back with him. They fought close range, Natsu using his fire fists and Lucy her celestial whip. They continued like this, protecting each other's back until Natsu broke away with another roar and punches after that.

Lucy threw a bandit off of the cliff and followed after him. She was stopped by another while Natsu was surrounded by four bandits, one at each side. He easily took them out all out but failed to notice the bandit that came from behind him.

This one had stayed behind one of the four and attacked once Natsu turned his back to him. Lucy let out a yell and dodged the bandit that came at her. Before the poisoned blade could reach him, Lucy hopped in it's path and took it.

Natsu kept his eyes closed as the sword came at him. "N-No! I didn't find Igneel!" he cried in his mind. Blood seeped into his clothes and he heard a pained gurgle of blood. But he didn't feel anything. He peeked his eyes open just barely and spotted golden locks. Lucy's locks. He gasped and let his eyes open the rest of the way. "L-Lucy!" He sat up and held Lucy in his arms. He took his scarf off and pressed it to her wound. "N-Natsu," she said. 

He saw tears glisten on her cheeks but when he looked into her eyes, they weren't glossy at all. And then Natsu realized it was his tears that had fallen on to her face. "No! Lucy. Lucy? Lucy?! Hey, Lucy, hold on. You're going to be fine. I promise. I'm gonna save you."

He reached under her and lifted her up so that she was coddled against his chest. He ran through the forest, back to the village, forgetting about Erza, Gray, and Happy, who were still fighting off the bandits with no indication of Lucy's condition. "Natsu... Stop. I'm not-" Her sentence was cut off by her coughing up more blood.

Natsu's tears increased and they rolled down his cheeks with a faster pace. "Hush, Luce, you're gonna be fine. Stop talking, it'll drain your energy." Lucy wanted to fight back but she couldn't find the will to do so.

Natsu bursted through the tree boundary and yelled, "Hey, do you guys have a doctor around here? My friend, she's been poisoned. She was stabbed - someone, please help." Lucy was taken to a home of a doctor by Natsu, who was reassuring her that she would be fine.

The female doctor immediately motioned for him to put her on a bed. Natsu did so, carefully, and asked the doctor with urgency, "Will she be alright? Please help her, she's..." He trailed off and looked at her, his eyes taking a more warmer look and finished, "She's very special to me."

The doctor said, "I don't know. It all depends on what kind of venom or poison and when it happened. You said she was stabbed? Ah, yes, I see it right there. We'll have to close that up. Was that how she got poisoned?" Natsu quickly nodded before she continued rambling once again.

Natsu managed to block her out and took Lucy's hand, hating how this felt like saying goodbye. As if this was her deathbed. He kissed her knuckles and stroked her hair. "You're going to be fine, Luce. I got you to a doctor and they're going to take really good care of you. I promised you, remember?"

Lucy was unconscious and her breathing was raspy and uneven. The doctor and Lucy both knew she didn't have long. She forced her eyes open and turned her head to look at him. "Natsu. I'm sorry. I thought we would have so much more time together." She broke into a coughing fit before continuing. "Promise me a couple of things. Will you please?"

Natsu cried and shook his head. "No, Luce, you're not going to die. I'm not gonna promise you crap because I believe you will survive. No. I know you will survive." Lucy gripped his hand and continued as if he hadn't spoken. "Natsu, I want you to promise me you won't do anything stupid. And you'll stay happy and stong for me. And you'll continue to do great things for not only the guild, but for the world. Promise me you'll fall in love and won't stay alone. Don't isolate yourself."

Natsu's sobs racked his body as he cried out, "No! You're not going to die!" Lucy smiled weakly before her grip losened and her eyes became unfocused and unclear. "I'm sorry, Natsu," she said. And then her fluttering eyes that were struggling to stay open shut and they didn't open again.

(EDITING) Lucy-The Celestial Queen Where stories live. Discover now