Chapter Six

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Just yesterday, she ate lunch at Leo's house with Aquarius, Virgo, and Aries. She had also looked over her schedule. And then the day before that, she died. She died next to the one she loved.

Lucy missed Natsu. She missed his cute smile, his messy hair, and his caring eyes. She missed the way he treated her, like she was the best thing in the world. She missed everything about him, even his teasing.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Lucy looked up and at Capricorn. They we're currently walking down the pathways and to the royal library. Lucy smiled up at the goat man, "I'm fine, Capricorn. Just thinking of when I was alive."

Capricorn smiled back at her with sympathy. "It's alright. Soon enough, you'll be back down there." Lucy groaned in frustration. "I know but I want to see them now. I want to see how they're doing. I miss them. And I'm worried about the guild."

Capricorn nodded, "Maybe while we're in the library, you can look for some spells that will show you how to see them. Or maybe even teleportation magic. But you'll be learning that with Elefseria. Maybe you can study the magics listed on your schedule and try to get a head start. Then you can see them sooner."

Lucy's smile returned, even bigger, as she said, "That's a great idea. Thank you, Capricorn." Capricorn stopped and bowed. "It's my pleasure, Lady Lucy." Lucy scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "But, if we're going to do that, we'll have to go back for my schedule." Capricorn sweat dropped. He cleared his throat and said, "You better work on your teleportation magic first." Lucy nodded and laughed, "Alright."

/Meanwhile, at Fairy Tail\

It had been two days since Team Natsu went on the job. Wendy and Charle had already gotten back. Mirajane looked at the job they had taken and turned to Makarov. "They should be here any minute. It does take one day to get there, after all." Makarov nodded.

"Hey, Mirajane. I ran out of booze. Have any to spare?" Mirajane smiled at Cana. "Cana, when Erza gets back, she's going to get on to you again for that drinking habit of yours." Cana laughed at where she was sitting. Her face turned dead serious. "But do you?" 

Mira sighed and pointed to the storage room. "Check there, Cana." Cana smiled and hopped over the bar and gave Mira a hug. "Thanks." Mira sighed, shook her head, and then smiled at the hopeless drunk. Wendy came up to the bar and rubbed her arms. She looked worried. 

Mira turned to the girl and asked, "What's wrong Wendy?" Wendy looked at Mira, "I have a bad feeling. I've had it since I got up. And Charle had a vision. She won't tell me what it was but she said it was bad. She's been staring at the door all day." Mira smiled at the girl, "I'm sure it's nothing. She's probably just watching for Happy."

Wendy shook her head. "No, you don't understand. She hasn't said one bad remark and hasn't even touched her tea." Mira's eyes widened as she looked at the white feline. "What? She hasn't touched her tea? No smarting off? At all?" Wendy shook her head.

Suddenly, the guild's doors opened. Wendy turned around and walked away from the bar. "Natsu. I was worried something had happened. I've been having the chills all day. It's good to see that everyone looks alright." Wendy smiled at the pink haired man. She looked at the group and suddenly she was confused.

"Wait, where's Lucy? Is she at her apartment?" Natsu didn't answer and everyone looked away from the small dragon slayer. "What? What is it? Why isn't anyone talking? Why won't you look at me?" Charle approached the group and tugged on Wendy's dress. "Wendy, give them some space. They just got back. And I know that they're going through a lot."

Wendy looked down at her companion. "What is that supposed to mean?" Makarov stood up on the bar. "Children. I'm guessing we should talk in my office?" Erza spoke, "Yes, Master." Erza's voice was hoarse and scratchy from all of the crying she had done for her fallen friend. It surprised everyone that her voice wasn't booming and confident.

They all realized that something was terribly wrong. And it concerned Lucy. Charle led Wendy away and to a table to explain her vision. Team Natsu followed Gramps. They all walked up to the second floor and into his office.

"So, how was the mission? Successful? I was so surprised when there were no payments to be made." Makarov trailed off with a laugh but stopped when no one else joined in. He turned serious. "What's the matter with you all? It was a pretty good joke." Gray looked at Natsu and then at Makarov. "Sorry, Gramps. I don't think anyone's in the laughing mood," Gray said.

"Well, what's wrong?" Natsu clenched his fist and grinded his teeth. "She's dead, Gramps." The whole group jumped. That was the first time he had used the word "dead". Makarov looked at Natsu. "Who's dead?" Natsu became more frustrated. 

He had been blaming himself the whole time. She had taken the knife for him. And he couldn't get her to the doctor in time. To him, it was all of his fault. "Lucy, Gramps! It's all of my fault! She risked her life for me and when she got hit, I couldn't even save her!" Gramps looked down. 

He walked out of his office, silently. The rest followed them except for Gray and Natsu. Gray gripped Natsu's shoulder. "It's not your fault. Don't think like that. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to." He walked out of the room and after the rest. 

Natsu wiped his tears and shook his head. "But it is." He cleaned his face and went out. Makarov stood on the second floor's railing. "Children! I'm afraid I have gotten some bad news." Everyone looked up at their master. Wendy was already crying. Charle had told her.

"A comrade of ours has fallen. We will respect her and have a funeral. We will respect our one and only Lucy." Makarov and the rest of the guild had tears falling down their faces. Makarov shot his arm up and extended his thumb and index finger. "To Lucy!" 

The guild followed his lead and lifted their arms. They all yelled out, "To Lucy!"

/In the celestial world...\

"Capricorn, it says here that I have at least one lesson with all of you. What's star dress?" Capricorn looked up from his book. "Star dress is when a celestial mage takes on the form of a zodiac spirit. If you were to take on Leo, per say, you would have more strength and be able to use his powers for yourself."

Lucy looked back at her schedule. "That sounds awesome. I hope it isn't too hard." Capricorn smiled, "I'm sure you will get the hang of it. You are your mother's daughter." Lucy smiled at him. Lucy lifted her schedule. "It says that I get to learn telepathy. That's so cool." Capricorn kept his eyes on the book as he said, "Let's focus on one thing at a time. Have you found anything on teleportation?" 

Lucy sighed and sat down her book. "Yeah. It seems kind of hard." Capricorn assured her, "You'll be great. What else is on your schedule?" Lucy grabbed her schedule again, "Let me check. There's a lot of dragon slayer magic. There's also memory control and manipulation immunity. And fairy heart. Hey, what's this?" 

Capricorn set down his books and looked over her shoulder. "What?" Lucy pointed at a column in part three. "This. Living magic. Is Zeref going to be the one that brings me back to life?" Capricorn stroked his beard. "I believe so. Knowing him, he'll probably try to make you bring yourself to life."

Lucy looked up from her books. "What's that supposed to mean?" Capricorn scratched his neck. "Well, when you two were younger, he was always pushing you to do your best." Lucy sat down her schedule. "What? I didn't know Zeref when I was younger. That's crazy." 

"Lady Lucy, this may not be the best time, but, you two grew up together. It's no surprise that you don't remember." Lucy shook her head. "Remember what?" Capricorn picked up a book and flipped through it. "Well, you two are siblings, of course."

(EDITING) Lucy-The Celestial Queen Where stories live. Discover now