Love bites pt.2

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It's been a week and Jungkook was completely avoiding Taehyung, Namjoon advised him that the two should talk but he can't find the courage to do so.

Taehyung spent the whole week thinking about what happened and he lowkey just wanted to forget all about it.

Because ever since then he hasn't seen Jungkook the same.

It was now Friday and they are finally performing for their fans again, It's been awhile and they missed army so much but Taehyung was dreading all the hate he is going to get if he doesn't perform perfectly tonight.

"Ahhh Kookie look at them thighs" Jimin teased pointing at Jungkook's now large thighs while they were all back stage changing into their outfits.

Taehyung didn't mean to look but Jimin did point it out.

Taehyung's tummy started to feel weird as he eyed the younger's half naked body
A blush rose to his cheeks and he left to go change somewhere else.


As soon ( I HATE WHEN BITCHES ASOON SHIT) as the performance was over the boys changed and got in the van ready to go home and sleep.

Taehyung and Jungkook were forced to sit in the very back together not to Jungkook's luck but Taehyung was quiet happy about that.

"Army's are so beautiful" Namjoon said looking at the video of the crowd that he recorded before Jimin piped in.

"Army's have the prettiest voice I love when they sing along with us even if they don't know the words" He said and everyone agreed to him before going back to their own conversations.

Taehyung was feeling self conscious again so he turned to Jungkook "Do you think Army's are gonna be mad at how I performed tonight" He asked quietly and Jungkook felt trapped he really didn't want to talk to Taehyung but he didn't want to be a dick.

"Armys could never be mad at you, You did perfect you always do" He whispered and Taehyung smiled at that and laid his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Are we okay" He asked Jungkook and it's not like Jungkook could say no and spill all his feelings out in this van right now.

"Yeah" He said barely above a whisper.

"Good I just want to forget about that dumb kiss and go back to being bestfriends" Taehyung said unaware of how much he just broke Jungkook's heart right now.

Jungkook hated this he knew that kiss meant nothing to Taehyung and he felt so dumb for even doing it but if he can't have Taehyung as his boyfriend then he still wants to keep him as his bestfriend so he sucked up all his sorrow and let everything go back to normal.

Everything went back to them just being two 'bros'

Them hanging out every night playing over watch

Going to the gym together

Looking at hot Instagram models together

Having their weird conversations

Cuddling at night because Jungkook knows that Taehyung can't sleep with out holding someone, He was willing to do that he was willing to suffer during the night by letting Taehyung hold him even though it meant nothing to the older he was willing to not get any sleep because the boy he so deeply likes even loves, Is holding him tight.

But he couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Kookie come to bed I want to sleep" Taehyung whined but Jungkook didn't want to stop playing his game.

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