Best friends pt.3

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a/n: read the authors notes at the end also this is the final for best friends one shot


"Hobi can I talk to you" Taehyung asked while peaking his head into the older's room where he saw him just chilling.

Luckily Hobi adores Taehyung and saw him as his baby brother so the older immediately agreed letting him into his room to talk.

"What's going on" Hobi asked as the younger snuggled up close on to him in bed and was hesitant to answer even though he is the one who wanted to talk in the first place.

"I had sex with someone" Tae admitted


"You're not a virgin anymore that's amazing"

"Was it the girl with the purple hair"

"Give me details" Hobi cheered being excited for the younger

Taehyung bit his lip feeling way more nervous then he thought he would feel but how was he supposed too tell him that he had sex with a man.

He just had to spit it out

"I had sex with a guy" The room went silent, Taehyung kept his head down hoping that Hobi wouldn't say anything negative to him.

Hobi turned his head and gave the younger a smile while patting his back "Well who was it, How was it, Give me the details kid" He exclaimed which made the younger chuckle at how sweet he was being about this, Which threw him off gaurd because he was so caught up with Hobi being sweet that he lost his sense of mind and completely blurted out what he shouldn't have.

"With Jungkook, It was so amazing" He said with a smile on his face while thinking back at that night, He didn't even realize Hobi's reaction.

"J-Jungkook" The older repeated not completely sure if he heard that right

Taehyung's senses finally come back to him and his smile dropped

Taehyung's expression completely changed and Hobi could tell, But that's the thing Hobi didn't really care that Taehyung had sex with a guy and he wasn't really happy at the idea of it being his band member but he'd be lying if he said he didn't see this coming

"Hey It's okay no need to be scared you know you can always trust me" He reassured the younger which sort of worked, Taehyung was still hesitant of course.

"C'mon I still wanna know all about it give me the details or I'll tickle you" He demanded and the laughter came back which eased the tension in the room and helped the younger relax.

"It was perfect, He was so gentle and so sweet to me" He couldn't help but to say that with the biggest grin on his face which made Hobi smile at his happiness, He knew he probably should be disgusted with all that because he saw Taehyung and Jungkook as his little brothers but seeing Taehyung so happy made him happy.

"He made sure I was comfortable and he just took care of me completely but I'm so confused" Taehyung admitted and It's not like Hobi didn't know what the younger was confused about, Of course he knew he was confused about his feelings.

"Afterwards I just felt so small around him I wanted him to hold me like he did before and then we even shared kisses a couple times and they just felt so good and he acts like he adores me but I'm not sure, He slept with that girl a month ago and he probably will tomorrow night when we go to the club and I just don't want to see it but I also can't be mad at him because we both promised that having sex wouldn't change us, That we would still be best friends in the end" Taehyung ranted while gasping for air after rushing to say that.

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