Mr.Kim pt.2

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Mr.Kim pt.2
Teacher X student
Teacher: Taehyung
Student: Jungkook
(Didn't edit)

"Get out of bed"

"Nooo" Jungkook groaned, besides the fact that his ass hurt like hell he really just didn't want to see Mr.Kim, if you're wondering why then keep reading

"How are you gonna let him fuck you but you're afraid to see him he's still your teacher let's go" jimin said hitting his shoulder then throwing clothes at the younger

Jungkook huffed hard, he knew he had to go

"I'm not afraid of him I just don't want things to go back to normal" he said and Jimin knew Jungkook was a little sensitive and did get attached easily but it was lowkey Jungkook's fault

"Jungkook you are the one who told him that you wanted him to fuck You, you never told him anything about a relationship so if that what you want then you need to tell him"


The day was going by very fast, to fast for Jungkook's liking. Mr.Kim's class was next

Jungkook walked in Taehyung 's class room not saying a word and taking a seat in the very back

Mr.Kim didn't have time to talk to Jungkook because students started to fill his class.

All through the class period Jungkook would make a look of discomfort and Taehyung noticed each time, making him feel bad for going so rough on the younger especially when it was his first time but Taehyung was going to make it up to him

It was the end of the class period and Jungkook was trying to get out of their fast but the fact that his ass hurt and all his shit dropped did not help

Taehyung locked the door once all his students were gone and made his way to Jungkook actually scaring him

Taehyung reach our rubbing the youngers arms while he leaned in for a kiss, but was shocked when he saw Jungkook move away he was kind of hurt

"I can't kiss you" he asked scrunching his eyebrows together and Jungkook bit his lip of course he wanted to kiss the older he just felt a little weird

"It's against the rules" he whispered making Taehyung scoff at him

"And fucking you on my desk was against the rules too but that happened"

"Speaking of how are you feeling it doesn't hurt to much right"

Jungkook sighed he just wanted to get out of there and get to his other class but he knew that wasn't gonna happenen

"I'm a little sore but it's fine I'm just not in the best mood" ahaha that was perfect now Taehyung could try and cheer him up

He grabbed the youngers hand placing a sweet kiss on it "well maybe I can try and cheer you up. How about we meet up tonight" Taehyung suggested making Jungkook's face drop he knew Taehyung only wanted him for sex

"Yeah I'm not in the mood to have sex again" Jungkook said then grabbing his back pack and trying to leave but Taehyung ran walking in front of him before he could make it out

"That's fine I was thinking more like a date we could go out to dinner my treat of course and then maybe we can walk around the plaza, what do you think about that baby" Jungkook's eyes widened he couldn't believe Taehyung was actually asking him out on a date

"Y-you want to go out with me" he asked so surprised that it made Taehyung laugh at him and now he realized why the younger was mad earlier

Taehyung leaned In once again capturing the youngers lips with his and Jungkook let it happened

He pulled back with a smile on his face "I'm not the type to hook up with just anyone my eyes have always been on you now agree to this date with me or I'll fail you" he said and Jungkook couldn't help but let a smile form on his face as he nodded his head as a yes

"Great now get to class baby I'll pick you up at 6" he said planting another kiss on his lips and walking the younger out.

A/n: so the next one shot will be choreography pt.1 and a pt.2 and then I only have a couple more request left so please leave more to add to my list

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