Chapter 6*edited*

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Axel pov 

Once I knew for sure that the other scientist had left the room, I immediately went towards the vent and undid the screws.  

"Xero, now that you know your part, go and find our escape route and our mate's room. We'll let you know if anyone enters our room."  

He nodded and climbed into the vent. The moment he left, I glanced at the rest of my pack.

"Aiden, keep an eye on that door." Aiden nodded and went towards the glass to keep watch and see if anyone comes back.

"Blake and Crow, get yourself prepared for the fight we will be going through."

I went to the other side of the room to restate my plan and make adjustments to it. Crow and Blake both nodded and went to prepare themselves for the big fight that we will eventually have against those humans. 

Xero Pov

I sniffed the air to see if I would be able to find the fresh air from outside. I followed it to another vent and kicked it to see if it was the outside world. Looking around, I saw some security people with guns and some huge lights. I looked down to see if we were in a very high ground area, and we weren't. We were pretty high, but not so high where our mate would be severely injured. I smiled at the thought of our mate being with us and possibly giving birth to our pups.

So I can continue with my mission, I shook my head vigorously and got the image out of my head. Once I finished the first mission, I moved on to my second mission, which was to find our mate's room. I smelled the air and caught a whiff of our mate's scent. I followed it to the opening of another vent. I peeked and saw the lights were on. 

(that is how Luke looks like)

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(that is how Luke looks like)

When I saw our mate with another man, my blood started to boil. I wanted to break the vent and charge at the male and rip him to pieces. I had to control myself though. 

"Oh hey, Luke, nice to see you." Our mate said.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Kira." The Luke guy said happily.

I whirled in fury. I know that Luke likes her. Our mate was just too obvious about it.

"I've heard that you're working with the Hunter pack and that you're going to conduct the next phase of the experiment," he said. 

"Yes, I am. I'm really scared tomorrow. I hope nothing bad happens." our mate said nervously.

He said reassuringly, "Nothing bad will happen." 

She looked at the time and nodded. 

"Oh, it's gotten late I think it's about time you went to bed." Luke looked at the clock and confirmed it.

"Well, bye Kira, and sorry for waking you up." Luke walked towards the door and left.

It was also a pleasure to see our mate, I smiled at her she was so adorable. I wanted to go up to her and hug her, but I couldn't go. So I decided to go for it and kicked the vent open and went into her room. Kira turned around and yelled in surprise when she saw me.

Kira pov 

I turned around and saw Xero. How did he get out of his cell? How did he get into the vents? Is he going to hurt me? I became more scared. Standing up from a crouching position, Xero started moving slowly towards me. With every step he took, I moved back. As he moved closer to me, I finally touched the wall and I was cornered by a dangerous special infected. He was now in front of me. 

Having closed my eyes, I waited for my life to end just like how my parents did, but what I experienced next caught me by surprise. Xero was hugging me. I could feel him sniffing me and licking me. I opened my eyes to see Xero's hoodie he bent down a bit. Xero picked me up and took me to my bed. He laid me down on the bed and went with me.

I looked down to see that it was the Hunter purring. I didn't know what to do. He was snuggling closer to me. I slowly reached for his hoodie and petted it. His purring grew louder. A small smile spread across my face. 

Xero then looked up at me and a smile spread across his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a growl. I just smiled at him.

In a sweet voice, I said to Xero, "Xero you need to go back to your cell. We don't want someone to find out you escaped your cell."

He gave a low growl and shook his head vigorously.

"Well, I'm sure your pack wouldn't be pleased if you were gone for so long

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"Well, I'm sure your pack wouldn't be pleased if you were gone for so long." I tried to reason with him.

I heard him grumbling as he got up and put the blanket on top of me. He kissed me on the cheek, my face turned red. He then turned off the light switch. I heard him go back into the ventilation vents. Sleep has taken over me soon enough.

Third pov

As Xero returned to the cell, the pack was waiting for him. Axel was the first one to notice the return of his friend.

Axel asks, "Welcome back, Xero, did you find the exit and our mate room?"

Xero nodded and kept a smile on his face. 

"I did. There are a couple of guards there, but we can take them down if we snuck on them. Our mate's room was close to the exit," Xero said. "Our mates' name is Kira. such a lovely name isn't it?" 

Blake said, "I saw that you spent some time with her."

"Oh, I got to hug and kiss her," Xero said proudly.

Aiden growled in frustration. 

"Xero, you were supposed to wait until tomorrow," Aiden said.

Xero glanced away and didn't care what Aiden said to him. 

"That doesn't matter now. We have to worry about the escape plan, as well as what will become of us and our mate in the next experiment." Axel said in a serious tone.

Xero glanced back paying attention. Crow and Aiden were already paying attention. Blake nodded.

"For now, let's just go to sleep because tomorrow is going to be a big day with a lot of things. Xero will give Crow and Aiden the directions to the exit, so they can look around and see if there is a place that we can take Kira to once we are done with the experiments.  Blake, Xero, and I will be getting prepared to fledge." Axel said.

Everyone nodded in agreement with the plan. Then they walked away and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks guys for waiting. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. :))

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