Valentine's day special pt 2!!!!

817 15 14

Kira pov

It was Valentine's day! I was going to spend it with my mates. Since last time they did something for me, I decide to return the favor. I told Ava about my plan and she seemed to like it a lot. My plan was simple. First I had to get the hunters busy and the best way to do that is by giving them work.

Ava is going to have an excuse saying that she needs more samples from them, so they will have to go there. Next is to decorate the place. I have to make it special. I smiled at myself. I got up from my bed went to the bathroom and did the business in there. I heard a knock on the door. I walked to it and opened it. It was Ava, she smiled at me.

"Tell the hunters to meet me in the lab for the experiments. You give me the signal when they can come back." I nodded. I went back to the hunters and woke them up.

When they woke up they all looked at me and smiled. They all engulfed me into a hug. I giggled at this.

" you guys need to be at Ava lab, she says that she needs to do more experiments on you." They all groaned in annoyance.

"But it's Valentine's Day can't we have a day off!" Aiden complained.

I shook my head no and gave them a sad smile.

"I'm sorry you can't. Maybe we can spend the next Valentine's Day together." They all looked reluctant to leave but they did.

I gave them a quick meal before they left. Ava was waiting patiently for them. I kissed them on the lips before they left. Once they were gone, I started with my plan. The first thing to do is to decorate this place. I went to the small closet where I hid the decorations, I put all of them in the room.

I started to decorate the place. Once I was finished and made sure that everything was perfect, I went to the kitchen and started making the food. 

I started with the cupcakes and the frosting. I just made 30 cupcakes. When they were done I let them cool off for a bit before I put the frosting on. Next was the chocolate. I was going to melt it so I can dip the strawberries and let them harden.

Time skip~~~

I was finally done with everything. I set the food in the living room and our bedroom. I just remembered I need to decorate the bedroom. I quickly went over there and looked around the room it was pretty plain and boring except for the food. I don't know what to put in here. I started to think until an idea popped into my head. I can put pictures of us together. Over time I was with the hunters I wanted to remember every special moment we had together, so I decided to take pictures, I can tell you I have many.

I grabbed some balloons and put the pictures at the end of the string. I place them over our bed. I also decided to write a little love letter for each one of them. I put rose petals on the bed and the floor. I stepped back and admired my work.

 I stepped back and admired my work

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