Chapter 30: Agentnapped

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Alex’s POV

“Who are you?”

It was a trap. All a trap. Paul was fine, he was actually sleeping in his room when I called his phone to track him.

“Who are you?!” I demanded louder.

When I walked out and sneaked to Paul’s vehicle, a girl in about her 20’s was waiting. She had long ginger hair that brushed her lower back tied into a high pony. She leaned against the car looking out with her intense blue eyes as if she expected me.

“A warning.” Her red lips curled into a cruel smirk. She would have been pretty if it weren’t for evil looks. High cheekbones, perfect eyebrows, flawless face; she was dangerously beautiful.

“From what exactly?” I questioned taking a step towards her.

“Are you honestly that stupid to not realise that the Fangirl Case is much more than just some hormonal teen sending threatening messages to boy band geeks?” She bit.

“Then tell me what the hell is going on?!”

“You’re good, Agent K,I’ll give you that” She spoke to me like I’m her fucking puppy and it irritates me. “But what fun would it be if I gave you all the information I know?” Her laugh sounded like a dying bloody cow.

 “Then why are you here?” My tone was venomous. Her head snapped to me with glaring blue slits.

“Get a grip. And back away from Warden 12 before it’s too late. Some things are kept secret for a reason you know.”

There’s another thing to add on the long list of things on How to piss Alex off: Being vague.

“You have 20 fucking seconds to tell me what the hell you’re on about before I blow your freaking head off.” I hastily grabbed my gun from my holster and pointed. Obviously I wasn’t going to shoot, but if it was the only way to get this redhead to talk then so be it. I was taken aback when she laughed in my face.

“Something funny?” I raised my gun to prove my point.

“Amateurs.” She rolled her eyes. “Now be a bloody adult and put your toy down.” Her voice was so condescending. I realised pointing this gun at her would do nothing but embarrass me and amuse her.

“Who are you?” I asked again. Her head snapped to me. Cold almost dead-looking blue eyes.

“Agent O’mckinley of Venzor Secrecy.” My stomach dropped. She was from another agency. They were like the FBI for the FBI if that makes any sense. What is she doing here? Why is she interfering with different agencies. Long ago, before I was an agent, all the spy agencies took an oath and pledge to now interfere with cases of another agency for various reasons. Its kind of like ancient law.

“But… you’re-“

“From another agency yada-yada.” She mocked. “Warden 12 is not what you think.”

“Then what is it?”

“Not a place for phycho kids, I’ll tell ya that! Well.. a little.” She looked at her simple leather bound watch as if she was waiting for something.

“I know about your plan. That’s why I’m here. To tell you it’s stupid, reckless and dangerous in the long run.” For the hundredth time today, my heart stopped. How did she know my plan? I haven’t told a soul or even written it down. So I did what came first to mind, play the clueless.

“Plan? What plan? I don’t have a plan.” Alex you doof, that’s exactly what someone with a plan would say.

“Oh, no? Let me refresh your mind then.” She smirked. “That pathetic plan where you plan a meeting with Fangirl in a vulnerable area to Harry. But you bring back up with you! Ha! Doll you watch way too many movies!”

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