Ch.1 //Video Game Lover// Smut [18+]

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~[Y/N] POV~

Me and Tyler had been best friends for four years now. We met through college, when we became roommates, which we still are. We clicked instantly. We both love basketball, music, and video games, specifically Mario Kart. Every time you turn around, we're back at it again with trying to beat each other's high score. Me and Tyler are the only two in our dorm, meaning we flirt a lot, but we're just friends. I promise.

I walked into the kitchen of me and Tyler's dorm and glanced into the living room, seeing Tyler on the home screen of Mario Kart. Of course. He knew I was in the kitchen, and he knew I was watching what he was doing, so he was practically challenging me.

Quick background story. Me and Tyler go hard at Mario Kart. Either I'm winning or he's winning, there's no in between. We're constantly tied, because we're both equally skilled at the game. So, we've gotten to the point where we sabotage each other, just so we can win. We've started putting deals on top of it all.

"You're so on!" I smirked and hurried into the living room, jumping over the back of the couch and grabbing a control. Tyler chuckled. "If I win, you've gotta do my laundry for a week." Tyler laid down his part of the deal. I shook my head. "Pff, please. You ain't gonna win." I said. Tyler rolled his eyes. "Just say your deal and shake on it." Tyler scoffed.

"If I win, which I will," I looked at Tyler and he rolled his eyes once more as he chose his character. "You've gotta do the dishes for a week." I finished. He looked at me, competitively. "Bet." He said. "Bet!" I responded even louder. He held his hand out to me. "Shake on it." He said, almost daringly, like I was afraid to keep my word. I slapped my hand against his and shook his firmly. "Deal." I said. "Deal." He spat back. I quickly chose my character and we both settled on a track.

Tyler won the first round, causing me to step up my game. As the second round began, I laid my head against the couch's arm rest and laid my legs in Tyler's lap. He seemed unfazed by it. This is the part where the sabotage comes in as well as the casual flirting me and him do. As we made our first lap around the course, me and him hot on each other's tails, Tyler had gotten in the lead. I needed to throw him off a bit, so I began to move my feet slightly. I noticed him glance at me with an annoyed expression, but I played it off with an innocent expression, as if I had no idea what I was doing.

I slightly flattened my feet against his lap and rubbed them back and forth, as if I was warming them up. That's when I felt him start to grow hard. He bit his lip and intensified his concentration on the game, trying his hardest to ignore my inflictions. I curled my toes open and close against what felt like his tip. He groaned slightly and that's when he lost some of his concentration and I became in the lead.

I needed to stay in the lead, so I stepped up my torture. I kept my right foot in place against his tip, continuing to curl my toes open and close, then repeated to slide my left foot up and down his shaft. He was fully hard at this point. Tyler was only wearing a baggy black tank and basketball shorts, so it wasn't like there was much fabric there between my foot and his member. I could definitely tell as well, considering how hard he had become. He began to squirm slightly, trying his hardest to remain focused on the game, but also focus on not moaning as well. It was obvious he was struggling.

Finally, I had won. I quickly sat up, slinging my feet over the couch, back onto the ground, and through my arms in the air in victory. I stood up and headed to the kitchen for a drink of water. I could feel Tyler's anger radiating off of him. I grabbed a water bottle and took a sip. "Cheater." I heard him mutter. "How so?" I quickly removed the water bottle from my lips and responded. "You know dang well that that was clearly sabotage." He states. I screw the lid back on my water and headed back towards the living room.

"That was not sabotage." I said like he was crazy. I then quickly sat on his lap and grabbed my controller, starting the next round. "This is sabotage." I smirked. I knew that I had to give this round my all, because this round would determine who breaks the tie and wins. Tyler groaned as I applied pressure to his boner. He wrapped his arms around my waist so he could hold me between his chest and his controller. He placed the controller on my right leg and proceeded to play with one hand. "Two can play that game..." Tyler said, threateningly.

He then used his free left hand and slowly ran it into my shorts. My mouth gaped at his sudden action. He slowly traced circles outside of my panties. I bit my lip to conceal a moan as he began to apply pressure. He began to gain on me in the game as I started to fall behind. I needed to get back on top of the game. I started grinding myself against his member, causing him to tighten his arms that were around my waist. He then went into my panties and toyed with my sensitive skin. I bit my lip harder.

Tyler was hot on my tail as we reached our last lap. Tyler noticed and knew that desperate times call for desperate measures. Tyler slid a finger into me and I finally moaned out loud. I could hear him smirk behind me. He moved his finger in and out of me at a slow speed, but began to speed up when he noticed I was starting to lose focus on the game. He then went fast, and that's when I became a moaning mess and fell behind. He then won the game and removed his hands from me. "I win." He said seductively into my ear, then gently removed me from his lap, stood up, and walked off to his room. I was left breathless and speechless.

Tyler Joseph Smut/FluffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя