Ch.3 //Mine// Smut [18+]

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~Author's POV~

[Y/n] was out at a photoshoot, while Tyler was at home, watching TV. He continuously refreshed his girlfriend's instagram page, waiting to see what kind of pictures her modeling company would be taking of her this time. The modeling industry can be very manipulative, so Tyler was constantly paranoid of what kind of poses or clothing they'd be making [Y/n] do/wear. Finally, two pictures popped up on her account. Tyler sat up on the couch once he saw what they were.

Lingerie!? Black lingerie!? She was wearing black laced lingerie and doing very slutty poses. Tyler's eyes widened. It wasn't just the fact that her photographer/modeling manager was a male and was seeing her half nude, but also the fact that the entire world would be seeing her half nude! Tyler's blood began to boil as he tapped his foot like crazy, preparing his lecture for when [Y/n] got home.


After a good 15 minutes, the door opened and in walked [Y/n], wearing a white fluffy robe and black heels. She closed the door behind her and headed upstairs to her bedroom. The carpeted stairs made it difficult for her to walk, she probably should've taken her heels off first. [Y/n] walked into her bedroom, tossing her phone onto the bed and beginning to take her jewelry off. She pondered where Tyler was. She turned around to call for Tyler, but was instantly met with him standing a few feet behind her. [Y/n] quickly gasped, not prepared for the sudden appearance of her boyfriend.

"Hey, Ty." She smiled innocently and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek. He didn't move or say anything. Tyler just remained silent with one expression on his face, and it didn't take long for [Y/n] to figure out what it was. "Why do you look angry?" She asked as she backed away from him to look at his face. He stared down at her. [Y/n] furrowed her brows. "Tyler...?" She quietly cooed. She reached her hand up to caress his face, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and held it with a tight grip. [Y/n] gasped at his sudden movement. "T-Ty, what's wrong with you...?" She stammered nervously.

"What's wrong with me?" Tyler finally spoke, exaggerating his last word, almost as if he was shocked by her question. "What's wrong with me is that my girlfriend just posted pictures of herself on the internet, for everyone to see, of her half naked body!" He said aggressively. "Tyler, it was just a-"

"I don't care what it was! T-That's not okay, [Y/n]." He stated. "You were wearing lingerie!" [Y/n] stared into his eyes, confused at why he was so agitated. He could tell and became more angry. "Only I'm supposed to see you in lingerie!" He added. [Y/n] flinched as he raised his voice. "Why does it matter!" She yelled back. Tyler stepped forward and wrapped his fingers tightly around her left bicep. By now, he had her right wrist in his left hand and her left bicep in his right hand. He jerked her towards him. "Because you're mine." He growled seductively into her ear. [Y/n]'s heart began to race, stomach grew butterflies, and head became dizzy. She knew where this was going and she liked it.

"Tyler..." She said gently, seduction in her voice as well. "You know I'm yours, and yours only, baby." She stated. Tyler stared into her eyes, lust coating his own ones. He stepped towards her, closing the space between them. [Y/n] leaned forward as well as Tyler. She expected a passionate kiss, but instead was suddenly shoved backwards very forcefully. She landed on the bed and looked up at Tyler shocked. Tyler was NOT a dominant guy. He was always the gentle and romantic type, which is why he left [Y/n] so confused.

Tyler stood over [Y/n], staring down at her. She propped her body up on her elbows and stared back up at him seductively. She slowly unraveled the fabric tied around her stomach, then opened it, revealing her black lingerie that Tyler was so upset about. Tyler examined her up and down. He then proceeded to pull his black hoodie over his head and toss it to the side. He then took his black tank off, leaving his chest bare. [Y/n] licked her lips and crawled backwards on to the bed. Tyler noticed and grabbed her ankle, quickly pulling her back towards him. "Oh, no, no no." Tyler said, wiggling his finger back in forth. "You're not getting out of this one. If you want to act like a slut, you're gonna be treated like a slut." He stated and tugged the white robe off of her arms.

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