Ch.2 //My Pretty Sleeper// Fluff [12+]

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~Author's POV~

Today was the four year anniversary of their marriage. [Y/n] laid peacefully in her bathtub upstairs, bubbles covering her entire body, except for her head, of course. She had bluetooth headphones in, listening to her husband's soft voice as usual. She hadn't seen Tyler in 8 months. She really missed him. Tyler was still on tour, unfortunately. He wouldn't be able to see [Y/n] for another three weeks. Or at least that's what he had told her. 


Tyler quietly unlocked the door to their house and stepped inside. He gently took off his shoes so he could sneak around easier. He had a bouquet of yellow roses and a heart shaped box full of chocolate candies. He also had a huge plushie of Ned waiting in the back of his car. [Y/n] was fanatic over Ned and couldn't wait for her close friend to make her a plushie of him, since her hobby was making stuffed animals. Tyler finally got a hold of [Y/n]'s friend and asked for a jumbo sized Ned plushie. Tyler knew [Y/n] would be so shocked and overjoyed when she saw the plushie.

Tyler had just got off the phone only an hour and a half ago, so he knew she was taking a bath. And Tyler, knowing [Y/n] so well after living with her for the past four years, knew that she always took baths with the door open, hoping Tyler would sneak in and join her. That had always been a fantasy of her's, but never became a reality until today.

Tyler tiptoed upstairs, the soft carpet covered staircase and his socks muting any possible noise. He slowly pushed the bedroom door open and set the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates on the bedside table. He looked at the bed. It was nice and tucked almost as if it had never been touched. Tyler smiled to himself. [Y/n] had always been such a clean freak. Everything had to be perfectly precise to please her.

Tyler picked a rose from the bouquet and began plucking the petals from the end of its stem. He scattered them across the bed. The bright yellow petals popped against the white bed sheets and covers. The room instantly began to smell beautiful. Though, this began to make Tyler nervous. [Y/n] could smell a fragrance miles away from its origin. He was afraid she'd smell the flowers and ruin the surprise. Tyler peaked his head into the bathroom. Instantly, his nose was filled with the smell of vanilla scented bubble bath soap. He knew he'd be fine now.

He couldn't help but stare at [Y/n]'s peaceful state. Her eyes closed, cheeks slightly red from the heat of the bath water. The bubbles surrounded her face and covered her soft skin. She was a daydream in his eyes. Like, how could something so lovely, such as herself, exist? It didn't make since to him. She was beyond beautiful in every way; she was perfect. He slowly moved towards her, taking in every bit of her features. Once he was beside the bathtub, he carefully sat down criss-crossed. He gently placed his arms on the edge of the tub and rested his head.

Tyler stared at [Y/n]. He missed this. Gazing at her as she rest peacefully. He hadn't seen her in so long, he wanted to cry. He longed for a hug, a passionate kiss, an "I love you" or "I missed you". He wanted to hold her so badly, he could barely contain himself, but he knew he had to wait. His patience had grown so short, that he had cancelled the last three weeks of tour and came home, just to see her. Tyler could sit there all day, just enjoying the sight of her sleeping. [Y/n]'s music softly played in her ears, catching Tyler's attention. She was listening to 'Oh Ms Believer'. Of course. She loved that song, it was so perfect to fall asleep to.

Tyler slowly stood up and made his way back into the room, finishing his plan. He scattered some more petals on the floor and into the bathroom, making a trail for her to follow when she awoke. He finished up by placing the three remaining roses on top of the heart shaped box of chocolates as he placed it in the center of the pillows on the bed. He stepped back to look at his masterpiece, but felt like something was missing. Then it clicked. Candles. Of course! There had to be candles. Tyler opened the drawer on his bedside table and pulled out a few candles, placing them around the room and lighting them. He knew he had to be quick, because if those roses didn't wake [Y/n] up, those candles definitely would.

After lighting the candles, he drew the curtains and flicked the lights off, the bathroom light and candles were the only things illuminating their bedroom. He then stepped out of the room and hid around the corner. Now, all that was left was to wait. It was but a couple minutes after he stepped out of the room that the scent of the candles kicked in and [Y/n] awoke. 

~[Y/n]'s POV~

I woke up from my peaceful nap. The bath water had already began to cool and was now cold against my skin. I sniffed the air around me. Was something burning? Couldn't be, I hadn't lit anything or wasn't cooking anything at the moment. I sat up in the bath tub, the bubbles slightly falling down my skin. I removed my earbuds and placed them to the side, turning off my music as well so I could listen for any intruders. I became scared very quickly. Should I call Tyler? Or maybe the police? Maybe I was just paranoid? I noticed my bedroom lights were off. I thought I left them on.

I grabbed my white towel and slowly crept from the bathtub, quickly wrapping the fabric around my cold body. My wet hair laid against my back and shoulders, causing me to shiver even more. I slowly moved towards the bathroom door and hesitantly peeked into my room. My mouth parted and I was left speechless at what I saw. I stepped into my bedroom, my feet hitting the soft carpet. My heart raced as everything seemed to move in slow motion. I slowly gazed around the room, taking in everything in front of me. I slowly moved in a complete circle, taking in every single detail, until my eyes landed on him.

In the doorway of my bedroom, was my husband, Tyler. He had a single red rose, unlike the other yellow roses, in his left hand, as his right hand rested in the pocket of his black hoodie. He had black jeans on as well. My eyes brimmed with tears as my chin began to quiver. This couldn't be real. Tyler slowly smiled and opened his arms. That's when I lost. Tears fell from my eyes as I ran to him and jumped into his arms. "Tyler!" I cried into his shoulder as his arms wrapped tightly around me.

He chuckled as his breath began to hitch, meaning he had started to cry as well. "[Y/n]." He whimpered with joy. He rocked me back and forth soothingly. I moved my head to look up at him and crashed my lips against his. After a few moments of kissing, we parted and stared at each other. "I missed you so much, baby." He said to me. His eyes were red from the sudden tears as well as mine. "I missed you too." I cried with joy and sadness. But then I stepped back and gave him an angry look. His smile faded as he stared at me confused and worried. "You told me you wouldn't be back for another three weeks!" I punched his arm. His smile then returned to his face. "I know, and I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"I just couldn't wait any longer. I-I had to see you."  He stammered. My heart fluttered at his response. "Oh, come here." I said sweetly, more tears running down my face. We pulled back to each other for another passionate kiss. "I love you, [Y/n]." Tyler said, barely audible. I sniffled and smiled. "I love you more."

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