The interview

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Iris West was working on something at her desk at Central City Picture News. Scott Evans stopped in front of the desk. Iris, I have an assignment for you, he said plopping some papers on her desk. I need you to interview Barry Allen. He just solved a very important case and a couple of murders. He's one of the best CSI's in Central City and I need you to go ask him some questions so we can put a story of him in the poorer. Scott explained as iris read the papers. What should I ask him? Iris asked. Ask him questions like how did you solve the case and the murders, what did you do, etc. I've already called the CCPD and told them CCPN will be sending someone to interview Barry tomorrow. So be there tomorrow at 10. Scott said before leaving. You're so lucky you get to interview Barry Allen, he's so cute. Linda, her work friend said. Iris rolled her eyes and smiled. What? You don't think he's cute? Linda said holding up one of the papers iris was reading, which had a picture of him. Mm... A little. I guess he is kinda cute. Iris said as the two girls laughed.

The next morning iris was outside the Central  City police department. She entered the elevator and went up to the first floor. There were police officers all around. She saw a man standing against a wall. She decided to ask where Barry was. Hi, um, excuse me? I'm looking for Barry Allen. Iris asked nervously. Ah! You must be a reporter for CCPN, I'm captain Singh. You'll find Barry upstairs in his lab. Once you reach the top of the stairs, you'll turn left then make a right. Captain Singh said as he gave iris directions. After saying thank you, iris followed the directions captain Singh gave her. Barry Allen stood in front of the window with his hands on the window steel. He was looking out the window and didn't hear iris come in. Um. Exuse me? Mr Allen? Iris said nervously. Barry turned around to find the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. I'm Iris West, I'm from Central city picture news. I have an appointment to interview you. Iris explained. Sit down, Barry said checking iris out. So.. What do you want to ask me? Barry asked as he remained standing. Um.. How did you solve the case of the murders? Iris said. Well, for the first person, Arron Smith, I did a blood sample and a blood test from the blood that I found on the body. Then there were some bullet cases which were left by the stupid killer, I managed to analyze them. Barry explained as iris wrote stuff down in a notebook. And what about the second murder? Iris said intrigued. Well for the second person, Archie Patterson, the same dumb killer left a knife at the crime scene. So I analyzed it and at the crime scene there were some tire tracks left. So I analyzed and calculated the width and length of the car. I managed to figure out the get away vehicle was a black ford SUV van. Barry  explained. To what do you owe your success? Iris asked, jolting more info onto her notebook. I exercise control on all things, Ms West. Barry said. That must be really boring, Iris said jokingly. Do you have any interests outside of work? Iris asked. What about you? I'd like to know more about you. Barry said taking a seat across from iris. There's really not much to know about me. I mean look at me. Iris said as she blushed and gave a small laugh. I am.  Barry said checking iris out and looking at her in awe. Iris smiled and blushed as she looked down. Um.. I should go. Thanks for the interview Mr Allen. Iris said as she gathered her stuff and got up. Please call me Barry. Let me escort you to the elevator. Barry said. After they got the elevator, there was silence. After a short while, Barry broke the silence. I hope you got everything you needed. Barry said. I.. I think you only answered 3 questions. Iris said shyly. The elevator made a sound and came up. Iris turned around to go inside. As she turned around, Barry quickly grabbed a paper that was sticking out of Iris's notebook. Iris. Barry said as iris stood in the elevator. Barry. Iris said as the doors closed.

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