Third time's a charm

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The next day at work Iris was telling Linda about the interview with Barry. So, what was he like? Linda asked. He was...  Polite. Intense, smart. Really intimidating. Iris explained. Wow! I can't believe you got to interview him. Was he cute? Linda asked. Yeah, iris smiled as she nodded. Oooh you have a crush on him. Linda said excitedly. Shh, Linda! Iris said as the two girls giggled. Iris's phone buzzed. Iris checked her phone and saw that it was a text from Barry. Coffee today at 12, at jitters? The text read. He wants to have coffee with me at jitters today. Iris said. Well, say yes! Linda said. Iris smiled as she texted back. K, see you soon. Iris was happy, she didn't think she'd see him again.

Barry and iris were at Jitters having coffee. You seem nervous, Barry said. I find you intimidating. Iris said. You should. Eat. Barry said handing her a cronut. Not to mention high-handed. Iris added. I'm used to getting my own way. Barry said. That must get very boring. Iris said as she took a sip of her coffee. Tell me about your family. Barry asked. My family? Um.. My dad is a detective at the CCPD, iris said. Wait, your dad is Joe West? Barry asked. Yeah. Iris answered. We go on cases together and I help him out with work sometimes. He's amazing. Barry explained. Yeah, he is. Iris said. And your mother? Barry asked. Um, my mother. She died when I was a baby. Iris said. I'm sorry. Barry said. It's fine. Iris smiled. I'm sorry I can't do this. Barry said after checking iris out again and leaving the coffee shop. Iris followed. Do you have a girlfriend? Is that it? Iris asked walking beside Barry. I don't do the girlfriend thing. Barry said. What does that even...  Iris said as a man on a bicycle speed past her. Watch it! Barry said grabbing iris and holding her towards his chest. Iris gasped as they looked into each others eyes. As they gazed at each other, Barry put his hand on her cheek.

A couple of days has passed and Barry had invited iris to a hotel where he was staying for a while. Iris looked around the hotel while Barry was working on something. You look beautiful, Barry said looking up from his paperwork. What are you doing later? Barry asked. I'm working at CCPN until 7. Iris said. I'll come pick you up on Thursday after work and we can go to my place. I'll be out of here by then. Barry said getting up from the table and making his way towards iris. Barry looked down at Iris's lips, and slowly rubbed her chin with his thumb. I'd like to bite that lip. Barry said. I think I'd like that too. Iris said. I'm not gonna to touch you. Not until I have your written consent. Barry explained. What? Iris asked. I'll explain later. Come I'll take you home. Barry said. After waiting for the elevator, the two of them went in and Barry pressed the button. Luckily it was empty. There was silence for a few minutes until Barry broke it. Fuc the paperwork, Barry said as he pinned iris against the wall and held her arms above her and began kissing her. They kissed until the elevator made a ding sound and stopped. Barry and iris quickly stopped what they were doing and acted normal. 4 men in business suits walked in the elevator. Barry and iris looked at each other blushing. What is it about elevators? Barry said softly. Iris smiled as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

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